Mike Storms formulated the question :
I'm familiar with VBA programming in Access, but not familiar with Excel
syntax. How would I set RowHeight=0 for each row in a selected range,
conditional on the value of a specific cell in the row? Also, the range has
been selected by the user, so the code first needs to detect the dimensions
(first and last row) of the range.
Firstly, VBA syntax is the same for all apps that use it. The variable
lies with the object library of the app you write code foe.
Secondly, the range is already dimensioned if you use 'Selection'.
lTotalRows = Selection.Rows.Count
lFirstRow = Selection.Rows(1).Row
lLastRow = Selection.Rows(lTotalRows).Row
Loop the Selection row by row and use WorksheetFunction.CountIf to see
if the target cell contains the criteria <value>...
Dim r As Long
For r = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Selection.Rows(r), <value>) > 0 Then _
Rows(r).RowHeight = 0 '(or: Rows(r).Hidden = True)
Next 'r
...where there's no chance another cell in the row will contain the
criteria value.
Alternatively, you can check a specific cell as follows...
Dim r As Long
For r = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If Cells(r, "ColLabel") = <value> Then _
Rows(r).RowHeight = 0 '(or: Rows(r).Hidden = True)
Next 'r
...where you need to substitute "ColLabel" with the actual column's
label where the value to be checked is located.
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