conditional row hide



I have the following:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Conditions & Ranges'
Dim rng As Range, rng2 As Range, rng3 As Range
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Dim cond1 As Boolean, cond2 As Boolean, cond3 As Boolean, cond4 As Boolean

Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
Set rng = Me.Range("E31") 'Option 2'
Set rng2 = Me.Range("B7") 'Packing Type'
Set rng3 = Me.Range("D2") 'Job Type
cond1 = (UCase(rng3.Value) = "Corporate")
cond2 = (UCase(rng3.Value) = "Private")
cond3 = (UCase(rng2.Value) = "PBR")
cond4 = (UCase(rng2.Value) = "PBO")

'Hides Packing Prices'
[37:37, 49:49].EntireRow.Hidden = wf.And(cond2, cond4)
[36:36, 48:48].EntireRow.Hidden = wf.Or(wf.And(cond1, cond3),
wf.And(cond2, cond4))

'Hides depending on Type'
[8:8, 41:43].EntireRow.Hidden = (rng3.Value = "Private")
[9:20, 34:34, 38:40, 46:46].EntireRow.Hidden = (rng3.Value = "Corporate")
'Hides Option 2'
If Not Intersect(rng, target) Is Nothing Then
[35:35, 47:47].EntireRow.Hidden = IsEmpty(rng.Value)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

All the hiding parts work, except for the first block "Hide Packing Prices",
no rows are hiding!?

What I am trying to do is have row 36 and row 48 hide when D2 = "Corporate"
& B7 = "PBR" and also hide those 2 rows again when D2 = "Private" & B7 =
"PBO" and hide row 37 and row 49 as well with the second one.

What am I doing wrong?

Doug Glancy


Ucase converts all letters in a string to upper case, so Ucase of no string
will ever be "Corporate." In the immediate window:

? UCase("Corporate")




OMG i feel so stupid! LOL thanks alot!

Doug Glancy said:

Ucase converts all letters in a string to upper case, so Ucase of no string
will ever be "Corporate." In the immediate window:

? UCase("Corporate")



ivory_kitten said:
I have the following:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Conditions & Ranges'
Dim rng As Range, rng2 As Range, rng3 As Range
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Dim cond1 As Boolean, cond2 As Boolean, cond3 As Boolean, cond4 As

Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
Set rng = Me.Range("E31") 'Option 2'
Set rng2 = Me.Range("B7") 'Packing Type'
Set rng3 = Me.Range("D2") 'Job Type
cond1 = (UCase(rng3.Value) = "Corporate")
cond2 = (UCase(rng3.Value) = "Private")
cond3 = (UCase(rng2.Value) = "PBR")
cond4 = (UCase(rng2.Value) = "PBO")

'Hides Packing Prices'
[37:37, 49:49].EntireRow.Hidden = wf.And(cond2, cond4)
[36:36, 48:48].EntireRow.Hidden = wf.Or(wf.And(cond1, cond3),
wf.And(cond2, cond4))

'Hides depending on Type'
[8:8, 41:43].EntireRow.Hidden = (rng3.Value = "Private")
[9:20, 34:34, 38:40, 46:46].EntireRow.Hidden = (rng3.Value =
'Hides Option 2'
If Not Intersect(rng, target) Is Nothing Then
[35:35, 47:47].EntireRow.Hidden = IsEmpty(rng.Value)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

All the hiding parts work, except for the first block "Hide Packing
no rows are hiding!?

What I am trying to do is have row 36 and row 48 hide when D2 =
& B7 = "PBR" and also hide those 2 rows again when D2 = "Private" & B7 =
"PBO" and hide row 37 and row 49 as well with the second one.

What am I doing wrong?

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