Dan Johnson
I am trying to automatically increment a column of numbers if a second
column is populated, otherwise the auto-numbered cell will be empty if
the cell defining it to be blank is also blank. As an example:
Ticket # Ticket Invoice # Cost
7325689 Y 1234243 $ 48.78
1234244 $356.50
7325690 Y 1234245 $123.32
7325691 Y 1234246 $435.89
So, if the Ticket column is not populated, the Ticket # column will not
increment. In the case of row 2 of data where row 2, column "Ticket" is
not populated with a Y, then there is no increment of Ticket number.
However, when row 3, is populated with Y, the ticket cell increments 1
number from row 1, not row 2. I understand the IF statement but I need
the means by which to look at multiple cells above until it finds the
last ticket # and add 1 to that number.
Is there a way to accommodate the above scenario? Thanks, in advance,
for the help
column is populated, otherwise the auto-numbered cell will be empty if
the cell defining it to be blank is also blank. As an example:
Ticket # Ticket Invoice # Cost
7325689 Y 1234243 $ 48.78
1234244 $356.50
7325690 Y 1234245 $123.32
7325691 Y 1234246 $435.89
So, if the Ticket column is not populated, the Ticket # column will not
increment. In the case of row 2 of data where row 2, column "Ticket" is
not populated with a Y, then there is no increment of Ticket number.
However, when row 3, is populated with Y, the ticket cell increments 1
number from row 1, not row 2. I understand the IF statement but I need
the means by which to look at multiple cells above until it finds the
last ticket # and add 1 to that number.
Is there a way to accommodate the above scenario? Thanks, in advance,
for the help