Conditional SQL syntax????


Kevin Witty

I have a table which contains (roughly) a Route# for Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. and
an override Route# and date. I'd like to run a query to which I supply a
date and which says:

In this column, if the date I supply matches the override date, show the
override route#, otherwise, if there is a Route# for the weekday of the date
I supply, show the Route# for that date.

I thought this would be fairly simple, but it ain't workin'.

iif(OverRideDate = SuppliedDate,OverrideRouteNum, iif(weekday(SuppliedDate)
= 2,MondayRouteNum,iif(... etc.

only gives me a value if the first condition is True, and nothing if False.
What am I doing wrong here???



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