Conditional Statement using a Drop down box



I started witha dropdown box. The user will select one of the 3 conditions
(Balanced, Offensive, Defensive). Using that response the information
inserted into other cells using predetermined data. What I have so far isn't
working, I get a Naming error.

=IF D1=F36,then display G35, else IF D1=F37, then display H35, else display

F36,F37, and F38 are the three choices in the drop down box and G35, H35 and
I35 is the information I would like to put into my other cell. Thank you.


your post is slightly confusing. where is the "other cell"? what do you mean
by "Display"? Is the dropdown box on a form or on the sheet?

assuming sheet and C10 As display, put this code in your dropdown box.
Private Sub cb1_Change()
If cb1.Value = "Balanced" Then
Range("C10").Value = Range("G35").Value
If cb1.Value = "Offencive" Then
Range("C10").Value = Range("H35").Value
If cb1.Value = "Defencive" Then
Range("C10").Value = Range("I35").Value
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Your dropdown box 's ListFillRange = F36:F38
change to fit our data.
Post back if i got it all wrong.


That coding went over my head boss. I tried it, but it has been nearly ten
years since I saw visual basic and it's coding so I couldn't figure it out.
Thank you for the effort though, it was appreciated.

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