Conditional tests in reports - a reprise



Let's say I have 3 facilities, and three workeers who share their time
between them.

I want the report to print out accoding to the example below but I can find
no way to do this.

Can anyone help?


--Fred, Joe and Charlie derive income from each facility but in any given
reporting period they may or may not receive income from a facility:

Main Office

Fred's Income $500.00
Joe's Income $0.00
Charlie's Income $200.00

Outpost 1

Fred's Income $0.00
Joe's Income $100.00
Charlie's Income $200.00

Outpost 2

Fred's Income $1000.00
Joe's Income $300.00
Charlie's Income $0.00

The report is set up so that each facility prints as a page.

There are conditions associated with the records, for instance

Main office might be "show all income"
Outpost 1 may be "show only positive income"
Outpose 2 may be "show all income"

So on the page that represents Main Office the report should print, based on
the above condition

Fred's Income $500.00
Joe's Income $0.00
Charlie's Income $200.00

The page that represents Outpost one, where the condition is "show only
positive income"

Joe's Income $100.00
Charlie's Income $200.00

and Outpost 3 would print becsuae the condition is "show all income"

Fred's Income $1000.00
Joe's Income $300.00
Charlie's Income $0.00

Do I have to create separate reports for each condition and have the
conditional test appear in a macro or is there a way to apply the condition
within the report itself?

Estêvão Raminhos

How are you creating your report? Directly fom the table(s) or through a
query? Can you not prepare things through a query? It would help to know the
structure of your table(s)...


The report pulls from a query in which the calculations are performed. The
query is based on a set of tables. This is actually a simplified version of
the actual database but it suffices for purposes of illustration.

There is a one-to-many relationship set between the Facility Table and the
Worker table.


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