Zsolt Szabó
Hi, good morning everybody
I need your help! I have a list and I like to use it like this. Colum A =
Product Name A2:A18 ; Row 1 = Size B1:U1 ; The prices of these products are
in cells B2:U18 . When my costumer is asking me a list – for example $40.00
or cheaper products list - I like to give them a list and make sure there is
no duplication in it. I tried the VLOOKUP IF formula but I couldn’t make it
I need your help! I have a list and I like to use it like this. Colum A =
Product Name A2:A18 ; Row 1 = Size B1:U1 ; The prices of these products are
in cells B2:U18 . When my costumer is asking me a list – for example $40.00
or cheaper products list - I like to give them a list and make sure there is
no duplication in it. I tried the VLOOKUP IF formula but I couldn’t make it