Conditionally Hide Merge Fields


Kevin L

Here is my dilemma,

I have a graphic that must be present on every page.
I have a Merge Field that must precede the graphic image, but must only show
on the first page.

If I put both the Merge Field and Graphic Image in the Header:

My graphic will show on every page as desired
My Merge Field will precede my Graphic image on page 1 as I have placed
it first in the header, but my merge field will also be on every page
which I do not desire.

Is there a way to place my merge field in the header, but hide it when Page
number is not 1?

Kevin L

Hi Greg,
I must be doing something wrong:

Here is what I have.

{ IF { PAGE }="1" { MERGEFIELD "CT_Fax" }"" }

When I merge, my CT_Fax field shows on every page (there are 2 pages in my
test merge)

Kevin L

Hi Greg,
This seems to work on my Main Document but not on the MERGED Document.

Greg Maxey


Sorry for wasting your time. All you need to do is set up the Main Document
with a different first page. File>PageSetup>Layout.

Put the merge field and graphic in the first page header and put just the
graphic in the following header.

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