Conduit Manager Fails - How to De-Corrupt Identity Data BeyondAdvanced Rebuild?


Thom Franklin

Can an MVP, Paul Berkowitz, or someone help?

I get a message that the "Conduit Manager Fails" right when it first
identifies the entourage conduit, even if all the synch options are turned
off. This appears to be caused by corruption within the identity because
new identities work at first.

A way to completely eliminate corruption from my identity database.

It does not fail when synching with the Palm Desktop.

1. This is not fixed with uninstall and reinstall of latest copies of
Entourage, Palm OS, or synch software, or resetting the Mac OS permissions,
rebuilding Entourage, or even rebuilding the Mac OS from the ground up.
Sometimes, some of that will fix it, but the bug comes back after a few

2. This IS fixed by setting up a new Identity and transferring over the
calendar with Paul Berkowitz AppleScripts of Entourage 1.2.10 and then hand
typing the tasks. AND, never setting the dates to infinitely repeating. If
I transfer over the tasks, or the emails, or the categories, it fails.

3. I have run Paul Berkowitz' Clean Up AppleScript, then exported, and
imported. Run again, export and import. The data (if that's the cause)
still triggers the crash.

4. I used Paul Berkowitz' trick of identifying and deleting duplicate

5. I've followed everything (I think) in the Jaguar troubleshooting manual:

1. There is always a Kern panic in the Mac OS. When I get the Console log
for the Conduit crash, there's always a thread crash in the third thread,
whatever that means. Maybe Panther will fix this?

2. I've read that Entourage has too many fields for Palm. When I add
categories and try to re-synch, it gives me the conduit crash. Maybe I
could cut out some fields somehow?

3. This did not happen in Mac OS 10.2.6. The bug was either triggered by
asking for infinitely recurring dates, or 10.2.8, or both.

4. It may have been triggered by installing Norton. I uninstalled it to


1-> Getting my datafiles uncorrupted. Any ideas how to go further than an
"advanced rebuild"?

I have a 400 Mhz iMac with 640 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.2.8, with a Palm 4.1 OS,
and Entourage 10.1.4 (AKA update 10.1.5) with a Palm m300 equivalent (the
Kyocera SmartPhone)

590[email protected]@.59996d35/19


Date/Time: 2003-10-09 22:41:29 -0700
OS Version: 10.2.8 (Build 6R73)
Host: Thoms-Desktop-Computer.local.

Command: Conduit Manager
PID: 717

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x9022a720 in SwitchContexts
#3 0x90224fc8 in YieldToThread
#4 0x00205708 in Yield__7LThreadFPC7LThread
#5 0x0020774c in ExecuteSelf__16LYieldAttachmentFlPv
#6 0x001df658 in Execute__11LAttachmentFlPv
#7 0x001df2ac in ExecuteAttachments__11LAttachableFlPv
#8 0x001dc588 in ProcessNextEvent__12LApplicationFv
#9 0x001a1094 in 0x1a1094
#10 0x001dc258 in Run__12LApplicationFv
#11 0x001a0bac in 0x1a0bac

Thread 1:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x9022a720 in SwitchContexts
#3 0x90224fc8 in YieldToThread
#4 0x90243128 in SetThreadState
#5 0x9026d948 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
#6 0x002069a4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
#7 0x00204f98 in Block
#8 0x00204e1c in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
#9 0x002053dc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
#10 0x00206edc in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
#11 0x9023bba8 in CooperativeThread
#12 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x9022a720 in SwitchContexts
#3 0x90224fc8 in YieldToThread
#4 0x90243128 in SetThreadState
#5 0x9026d948 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
#6 0x0195b798 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
#7 0x01964b90 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
#8 0x01964a38 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
#9 0x01959e84 in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
#10 0x0195bdc8 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
#11 0x9023bba8 in CooperativeThread
#12 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 3 Crashed:
#0 0x90133e6c in CFStringCreateCopy
#1 0x01a0a114 in 0x1a0a114
#2 0x01a1eda8 in 0x1a1eda8
#3 0x01a1e904 in 0x1a1e904
#4 0x01a1e8ac in 0x1a1e8ac
#5 0x901c125c in reportNewLeaf
#6 0x9015e688 in parseEntityReference
#7 0x901c0750 in parseTagContent
#8 0x901c057c in parseTag
#9 0x901c07a8 in parseTagContent
#10 0x901c057c in parseTag
#11 0x901c07a8 in parseTagContent
#12 0x901c057c in parseTag
#13 0x901c0a3c in parseXML
#14 0x9018efd8 in CFXMLParserParse
#15 0x01a1e670 in 0x1a1e670
#16 0x01a1eeb0 in 0x1a1eeb0
#17 0x01a1e2e8 in 0x1a1e2e8
#18 0x01a1dcd0 in 0x1a1dcd0
#19 0x01a02580 in 0x1a02580
#20 0x001abe50 in 0x1abe50
#21 0x001acaf0 in 0x1acaf0
#22 0x001ac728 in 0x1ac728
#23 0x001adbc4 in 0x1adbc4
#24 0x001a620c in 0x1a620c
#25 0x001b2250 in 0x1b2250
#26 0x00206edc in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
#27 0x9023bba8 in CooperativeThread
#28 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 4:
#0 0x9003e9a8 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003e7c4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x9022ffa4 in MPWaitOnQueue
#3 0x002bf7d0 in TransBasTickleTask__FPv
#4 0x902b81e8 in _MP_CFMTaskProc
#5 0x9025e364 in PrivateMPEntryPoint
#6 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
#0 0x90042588 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003e7b4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x90233198 in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
#3 0x902b1804 in TimingThread
#4 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x90133e6c srr1: 0x0000f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x90133e44 ctr: 0x90133e38 mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x01a0a114 r1: 0xf017ed20 r2: 0x9015fb28 r3: 0x00000000
r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x01a33d50 r7: 0x00000001
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0xa0130940 r10: 0x00000004 r11: 0x0000001c
r12: 0xa0136348 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x00000001
r16: 0x003760b8 r17: 0x0115e370 r18: 0x003760cc r19: 0x003760f8
r20: 0x00000500 r21: 0xf01815ec r22: 0x01a33bb0 r23: 0x01893bd0
r24: 0x0187c610 r25: 0x0187c610 r26: 0x019dd3a8 r27: 0x01a34bf0
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x01a33d70 r30: 0x00000000 r31: 0x90133e44



Thom Franklin

Former Apple and Microsoft employee, now business owner
Desperately trying not to end my 16 years with the Mac.

Thom Franklin

MVP's please document this as a fix for fixing corrupt identity data!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Hey folks I fixed my Entourage X synch problem for good this time. Here's

FIRST, I confirmed that the data was corrupt by proving my Palm could synch
to a separate Entourage identity. I quit worrying about the kernel panic in
the third thread. I quit thinking about waiting for the Panther OS to save

THEN, I searched for the bad data using Paul Berkotitz' AppleScripts.

For me, any corruption to any part of my database corrupted everything and
called for a completely new identity. I could not fix the corruption in the
same identity and expect it to work.

My category corruption was a few weird leading characters that got put in
front of some of the categories, so I took them out, transferred the
categories into an empty identity, and it synched. Then I made a backup
identity of the un-ruined database, and tested the next corrupted part.

My Signatures added and this time did not crash the Conduit Manager, so I
made a fresh backup. (Maybe they always worked.)

My event corruption was fixed by Paul's suggestion to search for and clear
all hidden duplicate events. (Go to advanced find and ask for all events by
saying 1) category is none and 2) is not none. Then remove the duplicated
events of same day and time that got there by my dragging a single recurring
event.) After I went through a few import/export and backups, I got it to
synch and then made a new back up.

My tasks never did transfer to the new identity. I retyped the 20 or so
incomplete ones and it synched fine. I still don't know the cause there.
I made a fresh backup Identity, now with four working non-crashing

Emails were the miracle.

I figured out that my crashes were due to bad data and not Paul Berkowitz
AppleScripts. Once I figured that out, and trusted his lifesaving scripts
it was more simple.

I used Paul Berkowitz Folder Export AppleScript from the old identity, and
then his Folder Import AppleScript into a new identity. With 80 folders and
sub folders and about 10,000 emails, and hundreds of enclosures, I had no
idea at first how to find the needle destroying the haystack.

But the import would crash (error 16002) just after getting bad data, AND, I
got strange office notifications during the import.

Here's the fix:

My sent invitations were stored in various folders. I deleted them all.
They had no linked events because I HAD DELETED THE DUPLICATE EVENTS IN

It took a few more imports and exports but it did indeed finally synch with
my Palm.

Then I quickly made a backup identity and brought over the Accounts. It
still synched. I made a backup.

Finally I dragged the Rules icon over into the new Identity, replacing the
default one. I had to go over each of my 50 rules to land the emails in the
right folders and categories. Finally it all worked. I made another

And, of course five standard practices:

1. Don't use the invitations feature. (I'll have to debug that before I am
confident there)
2. No recurring events to infinity and beyond. Keep them time limited.
3. Never, NEVER, drag a recurring event to a new time. (ATTENTION:
Microsoft: Feature Request/Bug Fix)
4. No leading characters in my categories.
5. Backup my Office X identities each day to a separate drive.

Best Regards, and Happy Mac Computing,


Can an MVP, Paul Berkowitz, or someone help?

I get a message that the "Conduit Manager Fails" right when it first
identifies the entourage conduit, even if all the synch options are turned
off. This appears to be caused by corruption within the identity because
new identities work at first.

A way to completely eliminate corruption from my identity database.

It does not fail when synching with the Palm Desktop.

1. This is not fixed with uninstall and reinstall of latest copies of
Entourage, Palm OS, or synch software, or resetting the Mac OS permissions,
rebuilding Entourage, or even rebuilding the Mac OS from the ground up.
Sometimes, some of that will fix it, but the bug comes back after a few

2. This IS fixed by setting up a new Identity and transferring over the
calendar with Paul Berkowitz AppleScripts of Entourage 1.2.10 and then hand
typing the tasks. AND, never setting the dates to infinitely repeating. If
I transfer over the tasks, or the emails, or the categories, it fails.

3. I have run Paul Berkowitz' Clean Up AppleScript, then exported, and
imported. Run again, export and import. The data (if that's the cause)
still triggers the crash.

4. I used Paul Berkowitz' trick of identifying and deleting duplicate

5. I've followed everything (I think) in the Jaguar troubleshooting manual:

1. There is always a Kern panic in the Mac OS. When I get the Console log
for the Conduit crash, there's always a thread crash in the third thread,
whatever that means. Maybe Panther will fix this?

2. I've read that Entourage has too many fields for Palm. When I add
categories and try to re-synch, it gives me the conduit crash. Maybe I
could cut out some fields somehow?

3. This did not happen in Mac OS 10.2.6. The bug was either triggered by
asking for infinitely recurring dates, or 10.2.8, or both.

4. It may have been triggered by installing Norton. I uninstalled it to


1-> Getting my datafiles uncorrupted. Any ideas how to go further than an
"advanced rebuild"?

I have a 400 Mhz iMac with 640 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.2.8, with a Palm 4.1 OS,
and Entourage 10.1.4 (AKA update 10.1.5) with a Palm m300 equivalent (the
Kyocera SmartPhone)

590[email protected]@.59996d35/19


SNIPPED. Check earlier thread.

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