Mark Harper
Please help ! : (
Entourage v.X (10.1.4) Hotsyncing (using Palm Desktop 4.1) to Palm
Zire 71 crashes in OS 10.3.1 when syncing the Calendar
I have tried the following:
Repeating events to have an end date (1.2.2006).
Turn OFF Office Notifications and do a Typical and then an Advanced
Remove Entourage Storage file from
/Users/[username/Documents/Palm/Users/[username]/Entourage Data/
Sync with Entourage Overwrites Handheld.
The error message to send to Apple is as follows:
Date/Time: 2003-11-28 18:42:38 +1100
OS Version: 10.3 (Build 7B85)
Command: Conduit Manager (/Applications/Palm/Conduit
Manager/Contents/MacOSClassic/Conduit Manager)
PID: 382
Thread: 3
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xc89ec8a6
Thread 0:
#0 0x900075c8 in mach_msg_trap (mach_msg_trap + 8)
#1 0x90007118 in mach_msg (mach_msg + 56)
#2 0x90293bd4 in SwitchContexts (SwitchContexts + 96)
#3 0x902894b0 in YieldToThread (YieldToThread + 260)
#4 0x0046e708 in Yield__7LThreadFPC7LThread
(Yield__7LThreadFPC7LThread + 72)
#5 0x0046f43c in Resume__7LThreadFv (Resume__7LThreadFv + 124)
#6 0x0040ac00 in 0x40ac00
#7 0x0040aac4 in 0x40aac4
#8 0x0043ec30 in HandleAppleEventAll__12LModelObjectFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl
(HandleAppleEventAll__12LModelObjectFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl + 272)
#9 0x0043a458 in HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl
(HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl + 216)
#10 0x0043bb30 in AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl
(AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl + 80)
#11 0x91674af8 in _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh
(_Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh + 208)
#12 0x91677914 in _Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_
(_Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 44)
#13 0x91674d38 in aeProcessAppleEvent (aeProcessAppleEvent + 284)
#14 0x928c4290 in AEProcessAppleEvent (AEProcessAppleEvent + 60)
#15 0x00449c14 in EventHighLevel__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
(EventHighLevel__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord + 36)
#16 0x00449014 in DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
(DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord + 404)
#17 0x004455b0 in ProcessNextEvent__12LApplicationFv
(ProcessNextEvent__12LApplicationFv + 192)
#18 0x0040a094 in 0x40a094
#19 0x00445258 in Run__12LApplicationFv (Run__12LApplicationFv +
#20 0x00409bac in 0x409bac
Thread 1:
#0 0x900075c8 in mach_msg_trap (mach_msg_trap + 8)
#1 0x90007118 in mach_msg (mach_msg + 56)
#2 0x90293bd4 in SwitchContexts (SwitchContexts + 96)
#3 0x902894b0 in YieldToThread (YieldToThread + 260)
#4 0x90296778 in SetThreadState (SetThreadState + 192)
#5 0x902d1bb8 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
(SetThreadStateEndCritical + 144)
#6 0x0046f9a4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
(SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc + 164)
#7 0x0046df98 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
(BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl + 88)
#8 0x0046de1c in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl (Wait__10LSemaphoreFl + 108)
#9 0x0046e3dc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
(Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv + 44)
#10 0x0046fedc in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv (DoEntry__7LThreadFPv + 60)
#11 0x902dc954 in InvokeThreadEntryUPP (InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24)
#12 0x902a7620 in CooperativeThread (CooperativeThread + 220)
#13 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 2:
#0 0x900075c8 in mach_msg_trap (mach_msg_trap + 8)
#1 0x90007118 in mach_msg (mach_msg + 56)
#2 0x90293bd4 in SwitchContexts (SwitchContexts + 96)
#3 0x902894b0 in YieldToThread (YieldToThread + 260)
#4 0x90296778 in SetThreadState (SetThreadState + 192)
#5 0x902d1bb8 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
(SetThreadStateEndCritical + 144)
#6 0x01742798 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
(SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc + 144)
#7 0x0174bb90 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
(BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl + 92)
#8 0x0174ba38 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl (Wait__10LSemaphoreFl + 104)
#9 0x01740e84 in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
(Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv + 48)
#10 0x01742dc8 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv (DoEntry__7LThreadFPv + 64)
#11 0x902dc954 in InvokeThreadEntryUPP (InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24)
#12 0x902a7620 in CooperativeThread (CooperativeThread + 220)
#13 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 3 Crashed:
#0 0x900035a4 in szone_malloc (szone_malloc + 1860)
#1 0x90001174 in malloc_zone_malloc (malloc_zone_malloc + 148)
#2 0x90001f64 in malloc (malloc + 68)
#3 0x92d36710 in _Z35_ISGetIconDataPointerWithConversionmlPh
(_Z35_ISGetIconDataPointerWithConversionmlPh + 124)
#4 0x92d33f2c in _Z18AddImageToIconDatamPv
(_Z18AddImageToIconDatamPv + 208)
#5 0x90616664 in _ISGoThruImageStorages (_ISGoThruImageStorages +
#6 0x92d34cfc in _Z19ImageRefCacheGetterlP16OpaqueISImageRef
(_Z19ImageRefCacheGetterlP16OpaqueISImageRef + 128)
#7 0x92d33cd8 in _Z18IconRefCacheGettermPv
(_Z18IconRefCacheGettermPv + 76)
#8 0x92d3632c in _ZN10IconPixMapC4EPvPFPPcmS0_EPKmb
(_ZN10IconPixMapC4EPvPFPPcmS0_EPKmb + 100)
#9 0x92d321f4 in _Z15PlotIconRefFastPvRK4RectssPK8RGBColormhS_PFPPcmS_E
(_Z15PlotIconRefFastPvRK4RectssPK8RGBColormhS_PFPPcmS_E + 648)
#10 0x92d3e5a4 in PlotIconRef (PlotIconRef + 284)
#11 0x0041c740 in 0x41c740
#12 0x004573c8 in Draw__5LPaneFP15OpaqueRgnHandle
(Draw__5LPaneFP15OpaqueRgnHandle + 264)
#13 0x0045c7e4 in Draw__5LViewFP15OpaqueRgnHandle
(Draw__5LViewFP15OpaqueRgnHandle + 516)
#14 0x0045fde0 in UpdatePort__7LWindowFv (UpdatePort__7LWindowFv +
#15 0x00457140 in UpdatePort__5LPaneFv (UpdatePort__5LPaneFv + 48)
#16 0x0041c68c in 0x41c68c
#17 0x0041c618 in 0x41c618
#18 0x0041c7b4 in 0x41c7b4
#19 0x0047b534 in TimerCallback__10LTimerTaskFP23OpaqueEventLoopTimerRefPv
(TimerCallback__10LTimerTaskFP23OpaqueEventLoopTimerRefPv + 52)
#20 0x90194848 in __CFRunLoopDoTimer (__CFRunLoopDoTimer + 244)
#21 0x90191ba8 in __CFRunLoopRun (__CFRunLoopRun + 1480)
#22 0x901960bc in CFRunLoopRunSpecific (CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 328)
#23 0x927d5ecc in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
(RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 172)
#24 0x927dc5b8 in ReceiveNextEventCommon (ReceiveNextEventCommon +
#25 0x9284d698 in ReceiveNextEventInMode (ReceiveNextEventInMode +
#26 0x0055cbf0 in WriteData__10CTransportFPCvUldPUl
(WriteData__10CTransportFPCvUldPUl + 160)
#27 0x0055e928 in WriteTransportData (WriteTransportData + 136)
#28 0x004ceccc in WriteRelPacket__16CTransportRelMacFPcUl
(WriteRelPacket__16CTransportRelMacFPcUl + 124)
#29 0x004ce894 in SendCommand__16CTransportRelMacFPvUlPPvPUl
(SendCommand__16CTransportRelMacFPvUlPPvPUl + 116)
#30 0x004a89b4 in SendDTCommand__13CCommunicatorFR14CDTCommandBaseR15CDTResponseBase
(SendDTCommand__13CCommunicatorFR14CDTCommandBaseR15CDTResponseBase +
#31 0x004aa93c in WriteRecord__13CCommunicatorFR14CRawRecordInfo
(WriteRecord__13CCommunicatorFR14CRawRecordInfo + 140)
#32 0x004aefe4 in SyncWriteRec (SyncWriteRec + 52)
#33 0x04b765e0 in 0x4b765e0
#34 0x04b65a84 in 0x4b65a84
#35 0x04b65040 in 0x4b65040
#36 0x04b637cc in 0x4b637cc
#37 0x04b629c0 in 0x4b629c0
#38 0x00414e50 in 0x414e50
#39 0x00415af0 in 0x415af0
#40 0x00415728 in 0x415728
#41 0x00416bc4 in 0x416bc4
#42 0x0040f20c in 0x40f20c
#43 0x0041b250 in 0x41b250
#44 0x0046fedc in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv (DoEntry__7LThreadFPv + 60)
#45 0x902dc954 in InvokeThreadEntryUPP (InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24)
#46 0x902a7620 in CooperativeThread (CooperativeThread + 220)
#47 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 4:
#0 0x90017048 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
(semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 8)
#1 0x9000e890 in _pthread_cond_wait (_pthread_cond_wait + 624)
#2 0x90296450 in MPWaitOnQueue (MPWaitOnQueue + 224)
#3 0x004be7d0 in TransBasTickleTask__FPv (TransBasTickleTask__FPv +
#4 0x903226c0 in _MP_CFMTaskProc (_MP_CFMTaskProc + 32)
#5 0x902c72dc in PrivateMPEntryPoint (PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76)
#6 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 5:
#0 0x90018ce8 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
(semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 8)
#1 0x9000e888 in _pthread_cond_wait (_pthread_cond_wait + 616)
#2 0x902aaddc in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon (TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon +
#3 0x9031b628 in TimingThread (TimingThread + 44)
#4 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x900035a4 srr1: 0x0200f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
cr: 0x84022228 xer: 0x20000002 lr: 0x90003538 ctr: 0x90002e60
r0: 0x0180016c r1: 0xf017ecb0 r2: 0x01800010 r3: 0x01800038
r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x000003e8 r6: 0xf017f040 r7: 0x00000001
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0xc89ec89e r10: 0x018001c8 r11: 0x01800100
r12: 0x90002e60 r13: 0x92d33c8c r14: 0x00000020 r15: 0x0000000c
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19: 0x1000000c
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23: 0x00000000
r24: 0x00000001 r25: 0x00000000 r26: 0x01800000 r27: 0x00000005
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x01800000 r30: 0x01b23a00 r31: 0x90002e6c
Entourage v.X (10.1.4) Hotsyncing (using Palm Desktop 4.1) to Palm
Zire 71 crashes in OS 10.3.1 when syncing the Calendar
I have tried the following:
Repeating events to have an end date (1.2.2006).
Turn OFF Office Notifications and do a Typical and then an Advanced
Remove Entourage Storage file from
/Users/[username/Documents/Palm/Users/[username]/Entourage Data/
Sync with Entourage Overwrites Handheld.
The error message to send to Apple is as follows:
Date/Time: 2003-11-28 18:42:38 +1100
OS Version: 10.3 (Build 7B85)
Command: Conduit Manager (/Applications/Palm/Conduit
Manager/Contents/MacOSClassic/Conduit Manager)
PID: 382
Thread: 3
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xc89ec8a6
Thread 0:
#0 0x900075c8 in mach_msg_trap (mach_msg_trap + 8)
#1 0x90007118 in mach_msg (mach_msg + 56)
#2 0x90293bd4 in SwitchContexts (SwitchContexts + 96)
#3 0x902894b0 in YieldToThread (YieldToThread + 260)
#4 0x0046e708 in Yield__7LThreadFPC7LThread
(Yield__7LThreadFPC7LThread + 72)
#5 0x0046f43c in Resume__7LThreadFv (Resume__7LThreadFv + 124)
#6 0x0040ac00 in 0x40ac00
#7 0x0040aac4 in 0x40aac4
#8 0x0043ec30 in HandleAppleEventAll__12LModelObjectFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl
(HandleAppleEventAll__12LModelObjectFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl + 272)
#9 0x0043a458 in HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl
(HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl + 216)
#10 0x0043bb30 in AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl
(AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl + 80)
#11 0x91674af8 in _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh
(_Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh + 208)
#12 0x91677914 in _Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_
(_Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 44)
#13 0x91674d38 in aeProcessAppleEvent (aeProcessAppleEvent + 284)
#14 0x928c4290 in AEProcessAppleEvent (AEProcessAppleEvent + 60)
#15 0x00449c14 in EventHighLevel__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
(EventHighLevel__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord + 36)
#16 0x00449014 in DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
(DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord + 404)
#17 0x004455b0 in ProcessNextEvent__12LApplicationFv
(ProcessNextEvent__12LApplicationFv + 192)
#18 0x0040a094 in 0x40a094
#19 0x00445258 in Run__12LApplicationFv (Run__12LApplicationFv +
#20 0x00409bac in 0x409bac
Thread 1:
#0 0x900075c8 in mach_msg_trap (mach_msg_trap + 8)
#1 0x90007118 in mach_msg (mach_msg + 56)
#2 0x90293bd4 in SwitchContexts (SwitchContexts + 96)
#3 0x902894b0 in YieldToThread (YieldToThread + 260)
#4 0x90296778 in SetThreadState (SetThreadState + 192)
#5 0x902d1bb8 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
(SetThreadStateEndCritical + 144)
#6 0x0046f9a4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
(SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc + 164)
#7 0x0046df98 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
(BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl + 88)
#8 0x0046de1c in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl (Wait__10LSemaphoreFl + 108)
#9 0x0046e3dc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
(Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv + 44)
#10 0x0046fedc in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv (DoEntry__7LThreadFPv + 60)
#11 0x902dc954 in InvokeThreadEntryUPP (InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24)
#12 0x902a7620 in CooperativeThread (CooperativeThread + 220)
#13 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 2:
#0 0x900075c8 in mach_msg_trap (mach_msg_trap + 8)
#1 0x90007118 in mach_msg (mach_msg + 56)
#2 0x90293bd4 in SwitchContexts (SwitchContexts + 96)
#3 0x902894b0 in YieldToThread (YieldToThread + 260)
#4 0x90296778 in SetThreadState (SetThreadState + 192)
#5 0x902d1bb8 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
(SetThreadStateEndCritical + 144)
#6 0x01742798 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
(SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc + 144)
#7 0x0174bb90 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
(BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl + 92)
#8 0x0174ba38 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl (Wait__10LSemaphoreFl + 104)
#9 0x01740e84 in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
(Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv + 48)
#10 0x01742dc8 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv (DoEntry__7LThreadFPv + 64)
#11 0x902dc954 in InvokeThreadEntryUPP (InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24)
#12 0x902a7620 in CooperativeThread (CooperativeThread + 220)
#13 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 3 Crashed:
#0 0x900035a4 in szone_malloc (szone_malloc + 1860)
#1 0x90001174 in malloc_zone_malloc (malloc_zone_malloc + 148)
#2 0x90001f64 in malloc (malloc + 68)
#3 0x92d36710 in _Z35_ISGetIconDataPointerWithConversionmlPh
(_Z35_ISGetIconDataPointerWithConversionmlPh + 124)
#4 0x92d33f2c in _Z18AddImageToIconDatamPv
(_Z18AddImageToIconDatamPv + 208)
#5 0x90616664 in _ISGoThruImageStorages (_ISGoThruImageStorages +
#6 0x92d34cfc in _Z19ImageRefCacheGetterlP16OpaqueISImageRef
(_Z19ImageRefCacheGetterlP16OpaqueISImageRef + 128)
#7 0x92d33cd8 in _Z18IconRefCacheGettermPv
(_Z18IconRefCacheGettermPv + 76)
#8 0x92d3632c in _ZN10IconPixMapC4EPvPFPPcmS0_EPKmb
(_ZN10IconPixMapC4EPvPFPPcmS0_EPKmb + 100)
#9 0x92d321f4 in _Z15PlotIconRefFastPvRK4RectssPK8RGBColormhS_PFPPcmS_E
(_Z15PlotIconRefFastPvRK4RectssPK8RGBColormhS_PFPPcmS_E + 648)
#10 0x92d3e5a4 in PlotIconRef (PlotIconRef + 284)
#11 0x0041c740 in 0x41c740
#12 0x004573c8 in Draw__5LPaneFP15OpaqueRgnHandle
(Draw__5LPaneFP15OpaqueRgnHandle + 264)
#13 0x0045c7e4 in Draw__5LViewFP15OpaqueRgnHandle
(Draw__5LViewFP15OpaqueRgnHandle + 516)
#14 0x0045fde0 in UpdatePort__7LWindowFv (UpdatePort__7LWindowFv +
#15 0x00457140 in UpdatePort__5LPaneFv (UpdatePort__5LPaneFv + 48)
#16 0x0041c68c in 0x41c68c
#17 0x0041c618 in 0x41c618
#18 0x0041c7b4 in 0x41c7b4
#19 0x0047b534 in TimerCallback__10LTimerTaskFP23OpaqueEventLoopTimerRefPv
(TimerCallback__10LTimerTaskFP23OpaqueEventLoopTimerRefPv + 52)
#20 0x90194848 in __CFRunLoopDoTimer (__CFRunLoopDoTimer + 244)
#21 0x90191ba8 in __CFRunLoopRun (__CFRunLoopRun + 1480)
#22 0x901960bc in CFRunLoopRunSpecific (CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 328)
#23 0x927d5ecc in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
(RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 172)
#24 0x927dc5b8 in ReceiveNextEventCommon (ReceiveNextEventCommon +
#25 0x9284d698 in ReceiveNextEventInMode (ReceiveNextEventInMode +
#26 0x0055cbf0 in WriteData__10CTransportFPCvUldPUl
(WriteData__10CTransportFPCvUldPUl + 160)
#27 0x0055e928 in WriteTransportData (WriteTransportData + 136)
#28 0x004ceccc in WriteRelPacket__16CTransportRelMacFPcUl
(WriteRelPacket__16CTransportRelMacFPcUl + 124)
#29 0x004ce894 in SendCommand__16CTransportRelMacFPvUlPPvPUl
(SendCommand__16CTransportRelMacFPvUlPPvPUl + 116)
#30 0x004a89b4 in SendDTCommand__13CCommunicatorFR14CDTCommandBaseR15CDTResponseBase
(SendDTCommand__13CCommunicatorFR14CDTCommandBaseR15CDTResponseBase +
#31 0x004aa93c in WriteRecord__13CCommunicatorFR14CRawRecordInfo
(WriteRecord__13CCommunicatorFR14CRawRecordInfo + 140)
#32 0x004aefe4 in SyncWriteRec (SyncWriteRec + 52)
#33 0x04b765e0 in 0x4b765e0
#34 0x04b65a84 in 0x4b65a84
#35 0x04b65040 in 0x4b65040
#36 0x04b637cc in 0x4b637cc
#37 0x04b629c0 in 0x4b629c0
#38 0x00414e50 in 0x414e50
#39 0x00415af0 in 0x415af0
#40 0x00415728 in 0x415728
#41 0x00416bc4 in 0x416bc4
#42 0x0040f20c in 0x40f20c
#43 0x0041b250 in 0x41b250
#44 0x0046fedc in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv (DoEntry__7LThreadFPv + 60)
#45 0x902dc954 in InvokeThreadEntryUPP (InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24)
#46 0x902a7620 in CooperativeThread (CooperativeThread + 220)
#47 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 4:
#0 0x90017048 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
(semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 8)
#1 0x9000e890 in _pthread_cond_wait (_pthread_cond_wait + 624)
#2 0x90296450 in MPWaitOnQueue (MPWaitOnQueue + 224)
#3 0x004be7d0 in TransBasTickleTask__FPv (TransBasTickleTask__FPv +
#4 0x903226c0 in _MP_CFMTaskProc (_MP_CFMTaskProc + 32)
#5 0x902c72dc in PrivateMPEntryPoint (PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76)
#6 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
Thread 5:
#0 0x90018ce8 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
(semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 8)
#1 0x9000e888 in _pthread_cond_wait (_pthread_cond_wait + 616)
#2 0x902aaddc in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon (TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon +
#3 0x9031b628 in TimingThread (TimingThread + 44)
#4 0x900247e8 in _pthread_body (_pthread_body + 40)
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x900035a4 srr1: 0x0200f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
cr: 0x84022228 xer: 0x20000002 lr: 0x90003538 ctr: 0x90002e60
r0: 0x0180016c r1: 0xf017ecb0 r2: 0x01800010 r3: 0x01800038
r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x000003e8 r6: 0xf017f040 r7: 0x00000001
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0xc89ec89e r10: 0x018001c8 r11: 0x01800100
r12: 0x90002e60 r13: 0x92d33c8c r14: 0x00000020 r15: 0x0000000c
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19: 0x1000000c
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23: 0x00000000
r24: 0x00000001 r25: 0x00000000 r26: 0x01800000 r27: 0x00000005
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x01800000 r30: 0x01b23a00 r31: 0x90002e6c