Conect Project Server 2003 to SharePoint Services




I have a BIG problem!
I am trying to conect Project Server 2003 to SharePoint Services, but with
no result.
After solving another errors, now I receive the next error:
"There are no site templates installed on the specified server running
Windows SharePoint Services. Verify that the Web server is properly extended
with Windows SharePoint Services."
What do I have to do to solve this error??

Best regards

Rolly Perreaux


I have a BIG problem!
I am trying to conect Project Server 2003 to SharePoint Services, but with
no result.
After solving another errors, now I receive the next error:
"There are no site templates installed on the specified server running
Windows SharePoint Services. Verify that the Web server is properly extended
with Windows SharePoint Services."
What do I have to do to solve this error??

Best regards

A couple of questions...

1. Are Project Server and WSS installed on the same server or 2 separate

2. Have you installed the PWA templates on the WSS server using
WSSWIZ.exe? This wizard is found on the Project Server CD in the Support

3. Is the WSS server extended?

To check do the following:

1. Start --> Programs --> Administrative Tools -->SharePoint Central
2. On the Central Administration page, under Virtual Server
Configuration, click on Extend or upgrade virtual server link
3. On the Virtual Server List page, click the Complete List link.

This should show you at least 2 virtual servers.
- The one used for WSS indicate the version number (6.0.x.x)
- The one used for Project Server should say Not Installed

Please note that Project Server and WSS cannot share a virtual server
because of one uses ASP.NET (WSS) the other uses Active Server Pages

Also note that the URL's cannot be the same using the the same port
number (note that no port number is default port 80) unless you are
using Host Header Names or integrating with DNS.

Let us know the results


Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training



Prj SRV and WSS are on the same computer.

The virtual server is extended.

The URL's are not using the same port.

When I try to install PWA templates I receive an error:
"Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Prameter name: '0'
is not a valid value for 'value'.

Thanks a lot

Best regards.

Rolly Perreaux


Prj SRV and WSS are on the same computer.

The virtual server is extended.

The URL's are not using the same port.

When I try to install PWA templates I receive an error:
"Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Prameter name: '0'
is not a valid value for 'value'.

Thanks a lot

Best regards.

When you say the virtual server is extended, it's only on the WSS
virtual server correct?

If so, re-run WSSWIZ.exe using the following steps:

1. Select Configure additional Windows SharePoint Services... and click

2. Select the virtual server for WSS that has been extended anc click

3. On the next page it might show the following message:
sites (Already configured for Microsoft Office Project Server 2003)
If so, then click the Delete link on the left side of the message

4. A dialog box message appears stating "This will remove the public
documents site...", click Yes

5. After the auto-refresh, select sites and click Next.

6. Fill out the Site Owner User Name and Site Owner E-mail address
fields and click Next

7. On the next page click Next to copy the SharePoint web template files

8. On the last page, write down the URLs for the next process and then
click Finish

Configuring SharePoint for Project Server

1. Log on to PWA as administrator

2. Click on the Admin link

3. On the Administration overview page, click the Manage Windows
SharePoint Services link.

4. On the Connect to SharePoint serve page, Enter the URLs that you
wrote down in the corresponding fields, and click Save Changes.

5. After the re-configuration is successful (You'll see a quick
message), click on the Site provisioning settings link.

6. On the Windows SharePoint Services team Web site provisioning
settings page, verify under Settings for Web site creation that
"Automatically create a team Web..." setting is selected and under Grant
user access that "Automatically add Project Web Access users..." is
selected. If you have made any changes, click Save Changes.

Let us know how it turns out

Good Luck,

Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training



Forgive my ignorance, but I can't find "Configure additional Windows
SharePoint Services" link. Where is it?

Best regards

Rolly Perreaux


Forgive my ignorance, but I can't find "Configure additional Windows
SharePoint Services" link. Where is it?

Best regards

Because you don't get "Configure additional Windows
SharePoint Services" option, that tell's me that WSSWIZ.exe was never

Select the default and continue with Step 2 and jump ahead to Step 5

Good luck

Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training

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