Conecting Drop down lists


C Vi

I am making a worksheet template for my office and below the signature line I
have a drop down list made through the 'Data Verification' method listing all
The sales people, in the cell below that is the name od my company but below
that i want to have the selected persons phone number come up below the
company name, how can i do this?

Bernie Deitrick

Use a VLOOKUP formula on a table of names and numbers, like


where D25 has the name, and $E55:$F100 has the table.

MS Excel MVP

C Vi

What do the '2,False' represent?

Bernie Deitrick said:
Use a VLOOKUP formula on a table of names and numbers, like


where D25 has the name, and $E55:$F100 has the table.

MS Excel MVP

Bernie Deitrick

If your list is on another sheet:

=VLOOKUP(D25,'Sheet with names'!A1:B100,2,FALSE)

The 2 means "match the value in the first column, and return the value from
the second column." The False means that the list isn't sorted, and VLOOKUP
should look for an exact match.

To ensure that you have an exact match, your data validation list should use
the same list - you will need to name the range A1:A100 on 'Sheet with
names', say "ValidNames", and use =ValidNames as the list source.

MS Excel MVP

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