Conevrt Numbers to Words




I have to create a function/formula that will convert a number to words and being Europena we do things differently.

I see that most examples I have found on the web represent 12010.00 as Twelve Thousand Ten Dollar and No Cent in the UK we would represent this as Twelve Thousand and Ten Euro Only.

Your help would be appreciated.



Harald Staff

Hi Rob

Laurent Longre has a great thing for this at
including "NBTEXT converts a positive number into spelled-out text (supports
13 languages)". It considers lots of european specialities, like the
German/Danish "one-and-twenty" counting style. Not sure about the "Only"
part though.

Or you can modify this to fit your needs:;EN-US;q213360

HTH. Best wishes Harald
Followup to newsgroup only please

Racer25 said:

I have to create a function/formula that will convert a number to words
and being Europena we do things differently.
I see that most examples I have found on the web represent 12010.00 as
Twelve Thousand Ten Dollar and No Cent in the UK we would represent this as
Twelve Thousand and Ten Euro Only.

Andy Wiggins

This file might be a help:

It's in the "Accountants" section on page:
It contains two methods to convert numbers to words and two cheque writing

The code is open and commented.

By the way, in the UK it would be represented as Twelve Thousand and Ten
Pounds Only (unless Gordon announced something in the last hour I haven't
heard about)..

Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"

Racer25 said:

I have to create a function/formula that will convert a number to words
and being Europena we do things differently.
I see that most examples I have found on the web represent 12010.00 as
Twelve Thousand Ten Dollar and No Cent in the UK we would represent this as
Twelve Thousand and Ten Euro Only.

Harald Staff

By the way, in the UK it would be represented as Twelve Thousand and Ten
Pounds Only

"Only" ? Looks expensive enough to a middle class norwegian <g>

Best wishes Harald

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