configuring hotmail with outlook 2003



After installing the latest outlook 2003 updates, I have the same error as
previously mentioned:
"Task 'Hotmail: Folder:Inbox Synchronizing headers.' reported
error(0x800CCCF6) : 'The server responded 'Access to Hotmail via Outlook
and Outlook Express now requires a subscription. Please sign up at'."

Then, Milly Staples said that hotmail support requires a subscription.
However, the error message implies that connecting (not support) via hotmail
requires a subscription.

Do you now need a subscription to connect via hotmail/msn?

William Lefkovics [MVP]

Yes, you need a subscription. It used to be called Hotmail Plus. Now I am
not sure.

Milly means for Outlook to support Hotmail access you need a subscription.

Though I can't actually speak for Milly, this is what I think she is saying.
And she's a smartie (pants).

Brian Tillman

William Lefkovics said:
Yes, you need a subscription. It used to be called Hotmail Plus. Now I am
not sure.

There are three levels of Hotmail subscription: Hotmail (the free one that
doesn't allow Outlook connection), Hotmail Plus, and Hotmail Premium. Get
more informaiton at

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