Configuring search Web component in Frontpage 2003



Is there a way to configure the current web search feature in web components
to search only certain folders in my site? It is returning results with
pages that viewers can't access because they are password protected, and I
want to keep those folders from being listed in the search results. This is
in Frontpage 2003.
The address for the search page on my site is:
<a href=" Page.htm">

Enter chef in the search box, and you will see what I mean...I don't want
the access stats showing up in the results.

Also, is there a way to make the links in the search results open in a new
window? Now if a viewer hits a link, they can't get back to the original
search, they have to search over again.

Any help is much appreciated, Thanks!

Thomas A. Rowe

If you are hosted on a Windows IIS server running Index Server, ask your host to execute those
folders or files from the Index Catalog for your site.

If you are host on a Unix/Linux server using the WAIS search engine, then you would have to move the
content that you do not want to be searched to either subwebs / subsites or place the content into a
folder(s) that begins with the underscore character.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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