Confirm printing



Hi, I have an order entry system that prints a picking ticket to a network
printer out in the warehouse. Is there any way to confirm the success of the
printing? (aside form physically checking :))

I flag the order as printed but once in a while one fails to print.

Me.date_printed = Now()
stDocName = "OrdPick2"
stLinkCriteria = "order_id =" & Me![order_id]
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria, , dupe
If IsNull(Me.date_emailed) = True Then
Me.date_emailed = Now()
End If

Douglas J. Steele

Physically checking is the only way I'm aware of.

Remember, even if you could query the printer to check, it may think it was
successful when you had the wrong paper in the printer, or the print is a
little too faint for your liking or...


you should setup a real print spooler.. lol-- is it a locally connected
printer or against a Windows Server?

and you can onFormat you can run code in the report-- if nodata then
dont run the report.. but if the onFormat fires; run some Sql or


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