confirmation mails


Thomas Weiler


Server: MS Exchange 2003 Server
Client: Mac OS X Tiger with Entourage (Office 2004)

When one external or internal user defines a read confirmation
(translatet from german: Lesebestätigung) in a eMail and sends it to the
mac user with entourage and the entourage user read the message and
delete it then, the external or internal user becomes the following mail:

Original german text:

Ihre Nachricht

An: Max Mustermann
Gesendet am: 12.01.2007 11:48

wurde am 12.01.2007 11:50 ungelesen gelöscht.

Translatet into english:

Your message

To: Max Mustermann
Sended: 12.01.2007 11:48

was deleted unreaded at 12.01.2007 11:50

although the entourage user has read the mail.

Is there a way that entourage do not send confirmation mails to other
users? As I know the confirmation feature is completely not in entourage.

Thanks for all answers.

Mickey Stevens

It appears to be a function of the Exchange Server; Entourage itself is not
sending the messages or sending a deliberate instruction to send the
receipts. There's little you can do other than trying to stop the sending
of the receipts at the server level.

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

Mickey is right, the responses are coming from Exchange.

And, I have scoured the exchange admin controls to see if this can be turned
off and haven't found any way to do it (exchange is a _horrible_ mail
server, from the admin's point of view!).

I did find, out there on the web, a couple of VB scripts to delete these
responses from the outgoing server, but I ended up going with a neat piece
of software called 'Exclaimer', which we now use to put unique and
customised (based on the sender & recipient) signatures on all outbound
email, and it also has ability to route email dependent on
content/source/destination, so I route all these responses to dev/null.

Take a look at Exclaimer:

I can thoroughly recommend Exclaimer to your sysad - it is easy set up,
unobtrusive and very customisable/controllable.

I have no connection with the Exclaimer developers other than being a very
happy customer.

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