Confirmation then,



So at Heading 1, I wrote in text the term "Section" and let the number index
itself, so the next time I wanted to you Heading again, it automatically
indexed the number correctly. It evidently knew to look at the same level,
because there was no other higher level to look to.

But this is not so on Heading 2. On heading 2, I texted in a number before
the decimal, so it could not index that number, while it could index the
number .1 .2 .3 so it looked to the prior heading 2.

I think?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I think you have not been paying attention.

In Level 2, you *don't* type in *any* numbers; you include the Level 1
number in the Level 2 number by selecting Level 1 in the "Previous level"
box. If you would just start with one of the pre-made outline numbering
schemes, all this would be done for you. You must have all the heading
styles linked to the same outline numbering scheme; see

I know this is handled a little differently in Word 2007, where the list is
called a "multi-level" list rather than "outline numbered," and
unfortunately I don't have Word 2007 installed, so I can't tell you exactly
how to do it.

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