ConfirmConversion vs Office web support information in *.asp files


Matthew Ferri

I am trying to use a self-written Microsoft Visual Basic program within
Microsoft Word Office 2000 SP3 to automatically make multiple changes to
multiple documents with one command.

For multiple regular documents, everything works perfectly.

For changes to web pages (for example, *.asp files), I have a problem.

If I set the Document.Open command inside my Word Visual Basic program to
use the "ConfirmConversion = True" parameter, the Visual Basic program
successfully completes all the text changes, but also adds specific Word
text into the *.asp file to support the office application. Did I say "quite
a bit of text"?

(Upon opening the file, the *.asp file is (as expected) initially identified
as an "HMTL document" and I manually convert it to be identified as a "text

However, if I set the Document.Open command to use "ConfirmConversion =
False" parameter, the Visual Basic program still runs to completion (with
the document still identified as an "HTML document"), but VB does not
complete any of the modifications for the document. The specific Office
support lines within the *.asp file are also not added.

My goal is to run the Word Visual Basic program and complete the
modifications without also installing the Word office support text within
the *.asp file. I only want the changes I implement in the self-written Word
Visual Basic program to be completed within the *.asp file.

(If this problem is fixed within a newer version of Word, I will buy it
immediately. Please let me know.)

Thanks in Advance.

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