Unfortunately, there are lots of little things that could be the reason. If
FP compares date and timestamps on the file it could mean that the web
server has an out of synch date (ex: sometimes an admin forgets to set the
server up for adjusting to daylight savings automatically and a conflict
occurs because the changed file is actually appearing to have changed
forward of the web server). Also, file sizes are a very subjective thing and
depend upon the file system used (and other things) but that means that a
file can be a different size on two computers. It could be that yours makes
a slightly smaller file or a file that is exactly the same size as the one
on the server and FP can't figure out if it's really changed or not. Why FP
marks things as a conflict sometimes are actually anyones guess. Whenever
I'm not sure I'll just open up a file or two on the remote server and make
sure that things are as I expect them before I go through with the publish.
Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage