Conflicted files while trying to publish



I have more than one website. I'm trying to publish my newest website. I
made the mistake of not changing the domain name when asked for it (after
hitting "publish site" ). It automatically inserted one of my other domain
names. Now, I did not publish the files, but I am left with "conflicted
files" on the left side (they have question marks in front of them) and all
the files from the other website on the right.
The "help" section tells me to merge the files manually and then overwrite
them. I have no idea what that means.
What should I do?
Thanks for your help

Steve Easton

Close the site and close FrontPage.
Go here: and download FP Cleaner ( with Expression Web Designer and
SharePoint Designer support )
Download links are at the bottom of the page.
Run the functions that clear:
The Hidden Temporary files.
The Hidden Cache (*.web) files.

Then reopen FrontPage and the site.
Click Tools > recalculate hyperlinks
When it is done, click File > Publish and make sure you enter the correct domain.
If it still shows conflicts, **and** you have the correct domain opened to publish to,
ignore the conflicts and publish.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
FP Cleaner
Hit Me FP


Thank you both for your suggestions. I downloaded the FP cleaner and ran it.
It did not "clear out" the files - but I'm sure it helped. I still am not
able to publish my website. I asked about this on another thread. Thanks

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Don't use the Publish button; use File | Publish Site

| Thank you both for your suggestions. I downloaded the FP cleaner and ran
| It did not "clear out" the files - but I'm sure it helped. I still am not
| able to publish my website. I asked about this on another thread. Thanks
| again.
| "David Berry" wrote:
| > 1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
| > 2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
| >
| > You can also get FP Cleaner at
| > which will this for you. It's free
| >
| >
| > | > >I have more than one website. I'm trying to publish my newest website.
| > > made the mistake of not changing the domain name when asked for it
| > > hitting "publish site" ). It automatically inserted one of my other
| > > domain
| > > names. Now, I did not publish the files, but I am left with
| > > files" on the left side (they have question marks in front of them)
| > > all
| > > the files from the other website on the right.
| > > The "help" section tells me to merge the files manually and then
| > > them. I have no idea what that means.
| > > What should I do?
| > > Thanks for your help
| >
| >
| >

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