Congratulations Patrick

  • Thread starter Rainald Taesler
  • Start date

Rainald Taesler

Dear Patrick,
I was full of joy when right now I saw that you have been appointed
OneNote MVP.
Congratulations from the south of my heart.

Foe quite a while I had been thinking that the enormous amount of work
you put in this newsgroup would well deserve the MVP title.
Your continuous support and the never ending patience with helping on
each and any problem for a long time have been of enormous value for
the ON community - especially in the troublesome days of the Beta.
I'm sure that I would not have found my way into ON (meanwhile an
instrument of my daily work) without your support.

Thanks for all what you have done for us.
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch und beste Gruesse



Rainald said this well. This program is SO complex and adaptable to the user
that helping people with their OneNote problem is like software therapy -- an
adviser has to do more than scratch the surface. Further, Patrick, you are
thoughtful AND timely. Responses are quick so the questioner gets their
feedback quickly. Given the large number of people trying out this beta you
have exerted a lot of good leverage for Microsoft. I hope Bill drops a dime
to call and say thanks. Whether he does or doesn't, here's my thanks.

Jonathan Rawle

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Thank you very much Jonathan!
I don't think Bill will call though.


"Jonathan" <jonathan7zerozero7(use numbers) at yahew dot usual domain>
wrote in message

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