Connect to Access Database



Hi -

How do I connect my FP website to an Access database? I
need to connect to the database, and have tried using the
Database Interface Wizard, but continue to get the same
message stating "This is the start of a Database Results
region. The page must be fetched from a web server with a
web browser to display correctly; the current web is
stored on your local disk or network."...

It won't let me view any results, etc...

What am I doing wrong? Can someone please start at the
beginning (how to connect to the database, etc...)?


Thomas A. Rowe

Which version of FP are you using?
Which version of Windows are you running?

In order view the results from the database the pages must be named with a .asp extension and you
must view them from your browser via http://localhost/pagename.asp. This requires that you have a
web server installed locally. Do you have one installed and are you developing your web against the
web server by opening your site via http://localhost?

Also you will need a Windows IIS web host to use Access as the database.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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