Connect to Access Database



Hi -

I put this out there as a reply to someone, but in case
they are not on here, hopefully someone can help me with
the following: (original problem is at the bottom of


Which version of FP are you using? I'm using FP 2003.
Which version of Windows are you running? I'm running
Windows XP.

In order view the results from the database the pages must
be named with a .asp extension and you
must view them from your browser via
http://localhost/pagename.asp. This requires that you have
web server installed locally. Do you have one installed
and are you developing your web against the
web server by opening your site via http://localhost? I
don't understand a lot of this because I am VERY new to
all of it and just kind of flying by the seat of my pants,
but I am hosting the website on Winsave, and they tell me
that connecting Access to it is very easy, although I have
not been able to do it...mostly due to me not knowing the
steps involved I'm sure...

Also you will need a Windows IIS web host to use Access as
the database. I don't know what Windows IIS is...can you

Thank you so much for your help.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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in message
Hi -

How do I connect my FP website to an Access database? I
need to connect to the database, and have tried using the
Database Interface Wizard, but continue to get the same
message stating "This is the start of a Database Results
region. The page must be fetched from a web server with a
web browser to display correctly; the current web is
stored on your local disk or network."...

It won't let me view any results, etc...

What am I doing wrong? Can someone please start at the
beginning (how to connect to the database, etc...)?




Using MSAccess Db with Front Page is very easy. However,
you have to be running with a real web server that
handles .asp pages: a Microsoft IIS compatible server,
that is. The pages you use must be named xyz.asp. You
must put the DB into the site and make a database
Connection to it: in Web Options (or something similar
depending on what version of FP you are using). Once this
connection is made, it's a piece of cake.

Andrew Murray

I suggest you visit

This site is a tutorial for all things Frontpage-ish (from versions 2000 upwards)
and includes such things as connecting databases - using only the features
frontpage offers e.g. the results wizard and the database interface wizard. It
is an excellent site for the beginner. - and it has simple step by step
instructions with screenshots of each step in the procedure.

Start there.

The microsoft knowledge base is extensive so that would be a good reference point
as well. Follow this link:

or search the MS Knowledgebase for "Frontpage databases" or "displaying database
in Frontpage" etc.

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