For simple reports, it is often quicker and easier to recreate the
report in Access. If you don't want to do that, there are two basic
approaches to get reports from Access into formatted Word documents:
1) Create appropriate Queries in Access to provide the data you want
in the reports and then use Word's mailmerge functionality to pull in
the data, using your templates as the "starting document" for the
2) Put Word Bookmarks in your templates where you want the data to go
and use Word Automation from VBA to replace the Bookmarks with data.
The first approach works reasonably well for Reports on data which can
easily and sensibly be pulled into a single query. More complex
Reports may require the second approach (or rethinking the
cost/benefit of rewriting them in Access!).
I have many Word documents templates (some in A3 format) for job reports.
What is easyest way to connect Access database with this external Word
Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher