Connecting Drop-down form to shopping cart database


Graeme Harris

See below...

I have contacted Fast-ecart and they do not support sub-catagories. They
suggested that I import shopping cart into Frontpage. Can anyone out there
help with this?



Contact your shopping cart supplier
- they need to support any changes you make to the cart forms or scripts

| Hi
| I am a beginner trying to edit an existing website. Currently, for each
| item, you click on BUY button and item is added to cart. I wish to replace
| this with a drop-down menu to select other options such as size, colour
| I have created drop-down box form but cannot seem to be able to link this
| cart.
| Other info..
| Clicking original button is linked to Form name: order79
| Original link seems to be <a href="#"
| Original order 79 section is...
| <FORM NAME=order79>
| <input type=hidden name="PRICE" value="5.00">
| <input type=hidden name="NAME" value="Black Nylon/Lycra Jazz Pants">
| <input type=hidden name="ID_NUM" value="79">
| <input type=hidden name="SHIPPING" value="0.00">
| <input type=hidden size=2 maxlength=3 name=QUANTITY value="1">
| I would like options for size, colour as a drop-down selection
| Hope someone can help because this is driving me nuts!
| Contact e-mail is (e-mail address removed)
| Thanks

Thomas A. Rowe

Placing the drop-downs on the page is the least of your problems, because if
the cart application doesn't support sub-categories or any other features or
function you want to add, then you are going to have a major issues with
passing the selected info thru to check-out process, etc.

Importing the shopping cart page into FP, is not going to solve these issues
unless you understand the JavaScript language it was written in and can then
modify the actual cart application to handle sub-categories, as well as the

From doing a quick look at this application, it indicates that the Store
Manager is a Windows application, in which case, it can't be modified, on
the HTML pages and JavaScript code can be modified, so if you make change
there, you will not be able to manage your store content via the Store

If you would like to discuss alternative options, and are hosted on a
Windows IIS server with ASP and Access support, you may contact me by
replying to me directly from this post.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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