connecting file upload form to server



I just created a webpage for myself and included the upload form on the site.
I loaded the page unto the server and tried uploading a file. I got an
error message saying that I could not use the form until the page was put on
my server, which already has been done?

Tom Pepper Willett

Has your host enabled this process in the FP 2002 server extensions?
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
How to ask a newsgroup question:
|I just created a webpage for myself and included the upload form on the
| I loaded the page unto the server and tried uploading a file. I got an
| error message saying that I could not use the form until the page was put
| my server, which already has been done?


How did you upload the page? Any FrontPage form must be HTML
published to the server, not FTPed or copied using the filesystem.

Stefan B Rusynko


| Has your host enabled this process in the FP 2002 server extensions?
| --
| ===
| Tom "Pepper" Willett
| Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| ---
| About FrontPage 2003:
| How to ask a newsgroup question:
| ===
| ||I just created a webpage for myself and included the upload form on the
| site.
|| I loaded the page unto the server and tried uploading a file. I got an
|| error message saying that I could not use the form until the page was put
| on
|| my server, which already has been done?


To Tom, & Ronx,
That's the first thing we did when I contacted the server and the FP
extension was already loaded and I loaded the page to the server the way I
load all my pages. (I'm webmaster of 7 sites) through WS_FTP.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

ws_ftp or any third party ftp'ing to the server will corrupt the FP
extensions. You have to use the Publish via http method in FP.


Using WS_FTP is the best way to NOT get the form to work. WS_FTP is
an FTP program. You must *not* use FTP with a FrontPage extended
site. FTP will corrupt the extensions, and those components that need
the extensions (such as Forms) will not work at all.
Use File->Publish from the FrontPage menu (with the local web open)
and use a destination of the form


OK, I took your advice and tried going through FP. I get the message:
"Unable to open ''. Web server does not have Windows
Sharepoint services installed.: is my server. I rechecked and it
tells me that FP extensions is installed. What is ("with local web open?) I
appreciate the help your trying to give me.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Ok..your web does have
Frontpage extensions installed, but they are probably broken from uploading
with ws_ftp. You will have to have them repaired by the host, or if your web
host allows you access to http utility you may be able to do it yourself.
Once they are repaired you should only use Publish Web/Site via http method
from within Frontpage.

Now..the "local" web is the local copy of your web/site...hopefully you
created a web/site on your harddrive with Frontpage and are NOT working with
"loose pages". You can tell by looking at the yellow folder the web is should have a blue globe on it.

There are two ways to work on your local web one is a disc-based web (c:\My
Documents\My Webs\thenameofyourwebhere (without an extension)) The other is
working with a local server (IIS) on your machine (if you have XP Pro) then
you publish/create your web at http://localhost/thenameofyourwebhere .

Most people work on the local copy (either disc-based or local server based)
and THEN Publish to the online web server via http.

The above relates to FPSE enabled webs only.


Thank You Rob.
Since I didn't have the site fully developed yet, I deleted everything in
Front Page and on the server and started from scratch. I did create the site
in Front Page. I tried loading the page through Front Page & received the
same "Unable to open" notice. I now have an email to Tech support at iPower
to get their input. Between the two of you we should be able to work this
out. I will be in touch with you after I hear from them. Thanx again.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)


Ask them if they have an online utility so you can reset the extensions
yourself if you need to. On linux servers it may be called CPanel on Windows
I dunno...the one on my windows server is called C3 I think.




You folks have been most helpful & I appreciate it. Yes the FP extension was
corrupt and now they've fixed it and it loads fine to the server. Thank you.
NOW the next problem: I follow the directions to set the controls so they go
to the folder that I created for the files to be uploaded to:

"Set the properties of the folder where uploaded files are stored.
In the Folder List, right-click the folder, and then click Properties."

(Clear the "Allow scripts or programs to be run check box."
Select the "Allow anonymous upload to this directory checkbox.")
This whole area is grayed and cannot click on any choices.

I load the web page to the server and try uploading a file. It then asks me
for a username & password. I put in my information and I get asked again. I
don't remember setting any other password. Finally the page goes blank.


You must set these permissions on the live server. If the properties
are greyed out then the host does not allow you to change the
permissions. Talk to your host.
When anonymous upload is set, you will not be prompted for a password.

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