Ok..your web
http://www.chartrand-photo.com/_vti_inf.html does have
Frontpage extensions installed, but they are probably broken from uploading
with ws_ftp. You will have to have them repaired by the host, or if your web
host allows you access to http utility you may be able to do it yourself.
Once they are repaired you should only use Publish Web/Site via http method
from within Frontpage.
Now..the "local" web is the local copy of your web/site...hopefully you
created a web/site on your harddrive with Frontpage and are NOT working with
"loose pages". You can tell by looking at the yellow folder the web is
in..it should have a blue globe on it.
There are two ways to work on your local web one is a disc-based web (c:\My
Documents\My Webs\thenameofyourwebhere (without an extension)) The other is
working with a local server (IIS) on your machine (if you have XP Pro) then
you publish/create your web at
http://localhost/thenameofyourwebhere .
Most people work on the local copy (either disc-based or local server based)
and THEN Publish to the online web server via http.
The above relates to FPSE enabled webs only.