Connecting forms



I am new user of Access. I work for a company that has been using this access
setup for a while. Nobody seems to know how to change anything in it. My
problem is, we have two separate forms that are not connected. They are both
getting their information from the same source, but the two are not
connected. I want the forms to print as 1 form, duplex style. We have about
400 employees, and I need to get this form out to them, without putting the
paper in one tray, than turning it over again. We have a impressive copier
than can pretty much handle any job. I just can't get access to do it. The
forms have individual info on it in order by employee.
example. pg 1.--John Doe title, salary
example. pg 2.--john Does's Kids, Address, other dependant etc

In other words, if I print all 400 of pg. 1, it will match all 400 of pg.2
in order. I just need to connect the two and print them on front and back. Is
this possible?

Douglas J. Steele

First of all, Forms aren't intended for printing: that's what Reports are
for. Fortunately, it's simple to convert a form into a report: right-click
on the form in the Database window and select Save As Report.

Once you've got the two separate reports, you could add the two of them as
subreports on a parent report, so that each one prints one after the other.


That worked. I saved it as a form, but how do I create a sub report? I am
really a beginner. Then how do I create a main form?
My next question is: The form in question always prints as a duplex. It is
not set up that way as far as the printer. It seems like who ever set up the
form set it up to print duplex style (front back) of the same sheet, but
different people in order. This would be ok, but I have another form that
needs to go on the back for each employee. The IT department told me that was
a default in access. They said it is just set up to print that way. I just
need it to stop. Can you help?

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