Connecting Infopath form to Database



I have a database and have followed all the steps to create an infopath form
to connect to this database. In the button properties, I have selected
Submit but in the Submitting Forms dialog box, it has many things listed but
not database. Now what??


I am a little new to IP, but if I can help I will.

When you say 'Submitting Forms dialog box' do you mean Submit Options
dialog box?
What version are you using? 2003 or 2007?
When you go to Tools > Submit Options is this the same window
mentioned above?

Did you try this?
On the Tools menu, click Data Connections.
In the Data Connections dialog box, click the main data connection,
and then click Modify.
In the Data Connection Wizard, click Next.
On the next page of the wizard, select the Enable submit for this
connection check box, and then click Finish.

This is all I can think of right now.

Clay Fox

Go to Tools and Data Connections and select the Main data connection. At the
bottom it will list deatils, make sure it says receive and Submit.

If it does not like your database structure, no primary key etc. It will
not allow submit. This could be the issue.


Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

The Largest InfoPath Forum in the World


I am using the 2003 version. If you double click (button) you get the Button
Properties. For my action I click "submit" and get the Submitting Forms
dialog box, the same as that which is on the Tools menu. From the same
dialog box I also select to "enable submit commands". At this point I am
suppose to select from the
"Submit to drop down, "Database" as stated in the Microsoft on line
instructions. Problem is I do not have that as an option and cannot figure
out why.


I do have a primary key on my database and when I check the details, it does
say retrieve data from database but not submit so I must have done something
wrong. I seem to recall at one point I got some type of message saying the
Submit button could not be enabled. I am going to start my form all over and
see if I can make it work.

Clay Fox

A database type form only allows one set of tables.

If you need to update multiple tables then you have to use web services.

You may want to look at the Database Accelerator package. It is an
installable set of web services that allow you to query and submit multiple
tables without code.

You can find out more at


Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

The Largest InfoPath Forum in the World


Thanks verymuch to you and everyone who responded. I was able to get it set
up exactly as I want, and of course it was my table construction as well as
the need for primary keys. I do have another question that is un-related so
I will post that separatley if I cannot find a similiar post. Thanks again.

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