Connecting powerpoint with Access DB


Jin Kim

Hi there. I'm trying to link a powerpoint application with an Access mdb so
that my powerpoint can query the data in the database and display them on a
powerpoint slide.

I have fairly good knowledge of ASP that I have been developing many
websited with. So with that ASP based logic in mind, I have tried to call the
database with VB macro in the powerpoint but it wasn't quite easy for me.

I'd appreciate if anyone could give me a handful guide for this task.

Thanks in advance,


Steve Rindsberg

Hi there. I'm trying to link a powerpoint application with an Access mdb so
that my powerpoint can query the data in the database and display them on a
powerpoint slide.

I have fairly good knowledge of ASP that I have been developing many
websited with. So with that ASP based logic in mind, I have tried to call the
database with VB macro in the powerpoint but it wasn't quite easy for me.

I'd appreciate if anyone could give me a handful guide for this task.

Access MVP Naresh Nichani has written a great set of sample code bits that
should do what you need.

Controlling Office Applications from PowerPoint (by Access MVP Naresh Nichani)

Where it starts: the DisplayData project by Naresh Nichani

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