I have a website up and working and an ASP page that is used as an include
file to connects to an Access-2000 DB. I'm using Frontpage-2000 and FP
extensions. The original DB I set up was an extract of a local DB. I'm
finding that I'm now using most of the tables in the DB so I would like to
simply use the full local DB instead of the extract.
The both DB, town4web.mdb (original) and town.mdb are store in a "peer"
directory to the public directory on the host to the public to provide
security for the DB. I have imported the town (full DB) into FP and store the
DB in the same directory as town4web (same directory structure as the host).
I have verified both DB connections under the Tools-Web Setting menu.
Below is the connection ASP page used as an include in all of the other ASP
to get data from the DB. The ASP with the "town4web.mdb" commented out and
the "town.mdb" not commented does not work (error "can display the page
error". If I comment out the section related to the "town.mdb" and remove the
comment lines for "town4web.mdb" the code works fine. As you can see the two
sections are identical other than the name of the DB.
Any suggestions/help?
'Option Explicit
'Dim connOLEDB (dim in a preceeding include)
'Dim strConn (dim in a preceeding include)
Set connOLEDB = Nothing
Set connOLEDB=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
'Web -OLE using town4web.mdb
'strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _
' & "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../../databases/town4web.mdb")
'connOLEDB.Open strConn
'Web -OLE using town.mdb
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _
& "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../../databases/town.mdb")
connOLEDB.Open strConn
file to connects to an Access-2000 DB. I'm using Frontpage-2000 and FP
extensions. The original DB I set up was an extract of a local DB. I'm
finding that I'm now using most of the tables in the DB so I would like to
simply use the full local DB instead of the extract.
The both DB, town4web.mdb (original) and town.mdb are store in a "peer"
directory to the public directory on the host to the public to provide
security for the DB. I have imported the town (full DB) into FP and store the
DB in the same directory as town4web (same directory structure as the host).
I have verified both DB connections under the Tools-Web Setting menu.
Below is the connection ASP page used as an include in all of the other ASP
to get data from the DB. The ASP with the "town4web.mdb" commented out and
the "town.mdb" not commented does not work (error "can display the page
error". If I comment out the section related to the "town.mdb" and remove the
comment lines for "town4web.mdb" the code works fine. As you can see the two
sections are identical other than the name of the DB.
Any suggestions/help?
'Option Explicit
'Dim connOLEDB (dim in a preceeding include)
'Dim strConn (dim in a preceeding include)
Set connOLEDB = Nothing
Set connOLEDB=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
'Web -OLE using town4web.mdb
'strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _
' & "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../../databases/town4web.mdb")
'connOLEDB.Open strConn
'Web -OLE using town.mdb
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _
& "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../../databases/town.mdb")
connOLEDB.Open strConn