I am diagramming a medium size LAN and WAN. I have dozens of Excel
spreadsheets and drawings uploaded to Sharepoint. I can hyperlink a network
shape like a hub or router directly to an entire spreadsheet, no problem. I
can create a custom callout leading to an equipment shape showing custom
properties filled in by hand (ouch!). I tried to link to the spreadsheet
through the database connection instructions in the MS Inside Out book, but
seem to be missing a step. How can I link a shape to a spreadsheet to show
certain spreadsheet fields either in a mouse-over tool tip or a custom
callout on the drawing page?
spreadsheets and drawings uploaded to Sharepoint. I can hyperlink a network
shape like a hub or router directly to an entire spreadsheet, no problem. I
can create a custom callout leading to an equipment shape showing custom
properties filled in by hand (ouch!). I tried to link to the spreadsheet
through the database connection instructions in the MS Inside Out book, but
seem to be missing a step. How can I link a shape to a spreadsheet to show
certain spreadsheet fields either in a mouse-over tool tip or a custom
callout on the drawing page?