Follow these steps.
1. Download and install the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.
2. Begin creating a DSN to your PostgreSQL database, and fill in the obvious
3. Find the Bools as Char option, uncheck it, then save the DSN.
4. In Access, select Get External Data -> Link Tables.
5. In the "Files of type" box at the bottom, pull it down and pick ODBC
(usually at the bottom of the list). Now, a new "Select Data Source" dialog
6. Select the Machine Data Source tab in the dialog, select the DSN you
created for your PostgreSQL database, and click OK. A list of tables should
now appear.
7. Pick the tables you want to link, and click OK. The links to the tables
should now appear in your tables list with a globe icon next to them.
8. The link names now include the name space (e.g. public_customers). You may
rename the link without breaking the link to the underlying table (e.g.
public_customers to customers or public_parts to tblParts).
I hope this information is helpful.