Connecting to Project Server 2003 from MS Project Profissional


Arafat El Sayed

I just installed Project Server 2003 on Windows 2003 enterprise Server. I
created a user on the project server with windows authenticatoin. I
configured the Office Project Profiessional to connect to this server with
the "Use Windows User Account" option.

When I open the Office Project it tries to login to the server but it failed
and gives me the following error message
"Cannot Connect.

Project was unable to establish a connection with the selected project
server. This could be caused by the loss of network connectivity, invalid
user name or password, lack of an enterprise global template, or problems
with the project server or database, or your project server may not have
enterprise features enabled.

I am connecting to the server from the same machine that contains the
project server and I am loged in with the Created user on the project

Please anybody can help me in that?

Thanks in adavnce for any help.



Off the top of my head, there are a few things you should
check before you really start digging. (1) Make your
server location a trusted site in IE. (2) From the admin
page in PWA, go to "Server Configuration" and make
sure "Enable Enterprise Features" is checked on. If
these don't help, let us know.

Hope this helps!

Tommy Nguyen

I too have the exact same issue! Sean, I have already tried both
suggestions you provided with no success. Arafat, I will update you if I
find anything.

Tommy Nguyen

Arafat El Sayed

thanks Sean for your reply
I tried what your solutions, but the problem still exists.

Arafat ElSayed

Arafat El Sayed

Hi All
I think I find the problem source, My Project Server version is English and
my regonal settings is set to Arabic. When I changed the reginal settings to
English, the project server works fine.


but this is not solution users may have different regional settings than the server I think MS should fix this

Mike Glen

Hi Othman,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

OK - why not contact Microsoft and tell them?

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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