Connection events




In my program, I need to select a connector-end and move it on a shape then
when I released the mouse, I need to detect that the connector was released
and do some appropriate work.
I tried to use the mouse-up event but it is not generated during the release
of the connector.
Could you give some help ?

Mike Greenawalt

NAdir said:

In my program, I need to select a connector-end and move it on a shape then
when I released the mouse, I need to detect that the connector was released
and do some appropriate work.
I tried to use the mouse-up event but it is not generated during the release
of the connector.
Could you give some help ?

Are you simply trying to detect that the mouse has been released, or are
you trying to detect that the connector is connected?

If you are trying to detect that the connector is connected, that can be
done by checking the BegTrigger and EndTrigger in Glue Info. Those cells
change from 1 to 2 when the Beginning and/or Ending of the connector is
actually connected.

Good luck.

-- Mike

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

You might look for the events:


at the Page or Doc or App level.


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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