Connection or Compatability issue with MS Outlook 2002 and MSProje



It is my goal to interface with Microsoft Outlook with Microsoft Project. It
is my understanding that this arrangement will make task management much
easier for the project team members and our Project Superintendent. Being
able to make Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003 tasks more visible
and accessible in everyday business applications is my objective. This is a
listing of the software we are using:

· Microsoft Outlook 2002

· Microsoft Project Professional 2003

· Microsoft Office Project Web Access 2003

Based on what I found in Office Online help, to enable this feature (called
an add in) I need to download it from Project Web Access. I successfully ( at
least I think so) logged in as Administrator, welcoming me to Project Web
Access as a Administrator. To the right is an icon that when clicked should
give me access to a page for Project Add in For Outlook. What I get is “No
permission†informing me that I do not have permission to view this page.

As Administrator I navigated thru the entire “Admin†tab in Project Web
Access trying to locate where as a Administrator I could give myself the
permission to view this page, thus allowing me to continue the downloading of
the add in feature. It looks like that as Administrator in the “Modify Userâ€
page that all items listed were checked as “Allowâ€, under Global Permissions.
I have not seen any indication stating something about “allowing to configure
with Outlookâ€, and I do not know if there is such an item to be allowable. It
could be that the numerous checked / unchecked or allow / deny selections are
not quite right.

Thinking it was a password issue; I then went to the web page and found the doc “forgotadminpassword.
The steps indicated require launching the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
Something I am not familiar with, nor sure that this is where I need to go.

I am thinking that if I could get permission to view the page for Project
Add in For Outlook, I would be able to move forward with my objective, but am
interested in what you think. I also looked into accomplishing this from the
Outlook side and I was not able to get it done either.

The question that I keep asking myself is am I not getting permission based
on how Project Web Access is configured or is it because Outlook is not
configured accordingly? As I send this to you I will continue to keep looking.

Perhaps its strickly a compatability issue with the version of Outlook and
Project and Project Server

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