Connection point direction arrows missing in Developer Mode



I cannot set the direction of my connection points. I
can't get the green arrowhead to appear, even in Developer
Mode. I added connection points to a custom shape, but
can't re-driect the direction of the connection. I cannot
even tell which direction it is going to connect from
unless I actually connect that particular point.
Please help!

Mark Nelson [MS]

That capability is no longer available in Visio. You need to go into the
Shapesheet to edit the angle of the connection point directly.

Geert Vancompernolle


This one also interests me...

Mark tells to change the angle in the connection point section of the
corresponding shape sheet. However, I don't see a field in the connection
section where you can change the angle of the connection point. The only
angle field I see is the one of the Shape Transform, but that might not be
the one addressed by Mark.

Where can I find this angle field? The only behaviour change I know, is
when you right-click on the connection point. Then you can select between
Inward, Outward or Inward/Outward . But that's all I can find about
changing the direction of the connection point.


David Parker

You need to look at DirX/A and DirY/B in the ConnectionPts section.

Here is some VBA code from Chris Roth, in his pre-MVP days (!!!) - it will
show you the type and direction of each connection point in the selected
shapes. Tyy changing the DirX and DirY of a point and you will see the
angle of the connector:

'Visio Connection Point Tools
'You may freely distribute this file to others but,
'don't be a profit-seeking jerk about it!
'Chris Roth
'(e-mail address removed)
'October, 2001

Sub SetDirection()
Dim shp As Visio.Shape
Dim sel As Visio.Selection
Dim iCt As Integer
Dim r As Visio.Row
Dim dx As Double, dy As Double
Dim dw As Double, dh As Double

Set sel = ActiveWindow.Selection
Const TOL = 100000

For Each shp In sel
dw = shp.Cells("Width").ResultIU
dw = Int(dw * TOL) / TOL
dh = shp.Cells("Height").ResultIU
dh = Int(dh * TOL) / TOL
For i = 1 To shp.RowCount(visSectionConnectionPts)
Set r = shp.Cells("Connections.X" & i).ContainingRow
dx = r.Cell(visX).ResultIU
dx = Int(dx * TOL) / TOL
dy = r.Cell(visY).ResultIU
dy = Int(dy * TOL) / TOL
If dx = 0 Then
r.Cell(visCnnctDirX).ResultIU = 1
r.Cell(visCnnctDirY).ResultIU = 0
End If
If dx = dw Then
r.Cell(visCnnctDirX).ResultIU = -1
r.Cell(visCnnctDirY).ResultIU = 0
End If
If dy = 0 Then
r.Cell(visCnnctDirX).ResultIU = 0
r.Cell(visCnnctDirY).ResultIU = 1
End If
If dy = dh Then
r.Cell(visCnnctDirX).ResultIU = 0
r.Cell(visCnnctDirY).ResultIU = -1
End If
Next i
End Sub

Sub DisplayConnectionPtsForSelectedShapes()

Dim doc As Visio.Document
Dim mst As Visio.Master
Dim sel As Visio.Selection
Dim shp As Visio.Shape, shpCP As Visio.Shape
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, iCt As Integer
Dim dx As Double, dy As Double
Dim r As Visio.Row
Dim sFrml As String, sID As String

Set doc = Visio.ActiveWindow.Document
Set sel = ActiveWindow.Selection

Set mst = ThisDocument.Masters("Connection Point")

For Each shp In sel
iCt = shp.RowCount(visSectionConnectionPts)
If iCt > 0 Then
For i = 1 To iCt
Set r = shp.Cells("Connections.X" & i).ContainingRow

sID = shp.NameID

dx = r.Cell(visX).ResultIU
dy = r.Cell(visY).ResultIU

shp.XYToPage dx, dy, dx, dy
Set shpCP = ActivePage.Drop(mst, dx, dy)

shpCP.Cells("User.dx").FormulaU = sID & "!Connections.A" & i
shpCP.Cells("User.dy").FormulaU = sID & "!Connections.B" & i
shpCP.Cells("User.type").FormulaU = sID & "!Connections.C" &

sFrml = "ANGLETOPAR(User.ang," & sID &
shpCP.Cells("User.angParent").FormulaU = sFrml

sFrml = "PAR(PNT(" & sID & "!Connections.X" & i & "," & sID &
"!Connections.Y" & i & "))"
shpCP.Cells("PinX").FormulaU = sFrml
shpCP.Cells("PinY").FormulaU = sFrml

Next i
End If

End Sub

Sub DeleteConnectionPointShapes()

Dim shp As Visio.Shape
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

Const LAYER_NAME$ = "Connection Point Documentation"

For i = ActivePage.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Set shp = ActivePage.Shapes.Item(i)
'Debug.Print shp.Layer.Name
For j = 1 To shp.LayerCount
If shp.Layer(j).Name = LAYER_NAME$ Then
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i

End Sub

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