Connection Points




I have serious problem to solve....

Of A shape placed, i need to add connection points
dynamically during the automation. Can Anyone help me in
creating new connection points dynamically

Any kind of help is appreciated.

Ashok Kumar

Markus Breugst

Hi Ashok,

I've written a small example macro for you. Hope it helps. The macro creates
two connection points: one at the top and one at the bottom of a shape named

Best regards,

Public Sub CreateCP()
Dim myShape As Shape
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim myRow As Row
Dim myCell As Cell

' Get shape reference. Assumption: Shape name is "Sheet.1"
Set myShape = Visio.ActivePage.PageSheet.Shapes("Sheet.1")

' Create Connection Points Section (if it does not exist)
If (Not (myShape.SectionExists(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts, 1))) Then
myShape.AddSection (Visio.visSectionConnectionPts)
End If

' Add row for 1st connection point
rowIndex = myShape.AddRow(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts,
Visio.visRowConnectionPts, 0)
' Set X value of connection point
Set myCell = myShape.CellsSRC(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts,
Visio.visRowConnectionPts, 0)
myCell.Formula = "=Width/2"
' Set Y value of connection point
Set myCell = myShape.CellsSRC(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts,
Visio.visRowConnectionPts, 1)
myCell.Formula = "=0"
' Add row for 2nd connection point
rowIndex = myShape.AddRow(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts,
Visio.visRowConnectionPts + 1, 0)
' Set X value of connection point
Set myCell = myShape.CellsSRC(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts,
Visio.visRowConnectionPts + 1, 0)
myCell.Formula = "=Width/2"
' Set Y value of connection point
Set myCell = myShape.CellsSRC(Visio.visSectionConnectionPts,
Visio.visRowConnectionPts + 1, 1)
myCell.Formula = "=Height"
End Sub


Hi Markus

It Worked fine in VB. I was not able to get the equivalent in C#. But i got an other alternative by using GlueToPos command.

Thanks a lot for your effort.

I have a very simple question to be asked. I could not access the Height and Width of the Shape. Could you help me in doing that?


Markus Breugst

I have a very simple question to be asked. I could not access the Height
and Width of the Shape. Could you help me in doing that?

Yes. Here is an example in C#:

Getting the height value:
IVShape _vShape = ...;
double _height = _vShape.get_Cells( "Height" ).ResultIU;

ResultIU means that the result is given in Internal Units.

Setting the height value:
double _value = ...;
IVShape _vShape = ...;
_vShape.get_Cells( "Height" ).ResultIUForce = _value;

"Force" means that the value is set even if the height cell is protected via
a GUARD function.

If you want to provide a formula (means a String) instead of Internal Units,
just use FormulaForce instead of ResultIU:
string _value = ...;
IVShape _vShape = ...;
_vShape.get_Cells( "Height" ).FormulaForce = _value;

Best regards,

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