Connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server has been lost.



I get dupelicate entries in the event log for Outlook. Both event ID 26. One
says that the connection has been lost and then, normally the same second,
one saying that the connection has been restored. The user sees a pop up
displaying this same information on their desktop.
On occasion users are placed into offline mode and email are not sent nor
received. This is a huge problem because when you hit send on an email you
expect it to go. They do not notice if the icon in the lower right had side
of the screen says online or offline. They just expect the program to send
their email when they hit the button.
The only oddity with our configuration is we use a third party hosting
server for our exchange server over a hardware VPN. No trust exists between
our domains so the users have to supply the credentials for the Exchange
domain when they open Outlook. When the password is wrong it tells you, but
when the password is right and you are in offline mode there are no prompts
to tell you that your emails will not be sent.
We have tested connectivity through our ISP, extended ping tests for hours
over the VPN tunnel, I also experience this problem from my home, completely
outside of this setup (Using RPC/HTTP).
What else could be the problem and how might I be able to fix it? Thanks.


This is all to do with your network setup. Nothing in Outlook is going to
help you.


O.k. So what should I do about my network setup? We do not lose any services
except Exchange.

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