For the longest time, my connectors (Visio 2003) have defaulted to an angle
shape. All of a sudden (I don't recall changing any settings...) they are
defaulting to a linear shape [e.g. they display as pure stright lines between
my connection points. How do I change this BACK?? (I tried to use an earlier
that I found in General/Visio about going to the shape/Document Stencil
window, but while I found the shape there to actually be linear, even after
I changed it to angled and saved it - the next connector I draw is still
linear! ?). I'm desperate to restore the performance to my angled default -
got a meeting coming up soon and I'm dead in the water for editing!!!!!!!!!
shape. All of a sudden (I don't recall changing any settings...) they are
defaulting to a linear shape [e.g. they display as pure stright lines between
my connection points. How do I change this BACK?? (I tried to use an earlier
that I found in General/Visio about going to the shape/Document Stencil
window, but while I found the shape there to actually be linear, even after
I changed it to angled and saved it - the next connector I draw is still
linear! ?). I'm desperate to restore the performance to my angled default -
got a meeting coming up soon and I'm dead in the water for editing!!!!!!!!!