Connector text position wrong when created with rounded corners



In Visio 2003 Professional, picture this:

1. Create an empty document without using a predefined drawing type; i.e.
use Ctrl+N.
2. Using the connector tool create a connector anywhere in the document.
Enter a bit of text for the connector. Text is centered on the connector,
3. In Format->Define Styles, select the Line for the "Connector" style. Set
the Round Corners to 10 mm (any non-zero value will do, the bigger the
better). Apply and close both dialogues.
4. Create a new _straight_ connector anywhere in the document using the
Connector Tool. Enter a bit of text.

Notice how the text is not centered on the second connector? Why is that?
Seems to happen for all connectors _created_ while the style has rounded
corners. Setting the rounded corners after creating a connector works fine.



Hi Johan,

this is because the control.textposition is determined as the point where
x-axis and y-axis of the dynamic connector meet
as the corner goes inwards the textpostion looks to be outwards of the
once you have created the textbox you can easily adjust the textboxpostion
by moving the yellow control or change its value in the shapesheet


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