Connel Valentine

  • Thread starter Connel Valentine
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Connel Valentine

i was wondering if anyone could adivse me on this. I have
two tables: 'Engines' contaning Engine Type and Budget,
and another: 'Orders' contaning Engine Type and Sale Value.

Of course these tables are linked on a one to many
relationship(Engines to Orders). The problem is, i have to
create a chart that compares the Total Sale value, to the
budget value for THAT engine.

When i try to do it normally, the chart calculates the
total sales value fine, but unfortunately creates a sum
for the budget as well. What technique should i use so
that i can compare the sum of sale value from 'Orders'
Table to the budget value of particulare engine from
the 'Engines' Table

Thanks in advance

Duane Hookom

If I understand correctly, the Budget is using Sum when it should be

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

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