Consistent Notes with slides from various PPT Files


Charlie B.

I have a PPT 02/03 presentation which I have copied slides from various other
presentations. Some of the other presentations have Master Notes with
different boldings and bullets.

Can I get the notes portion of the slides in the aggregate PPT file to look
exactly as they did in the original files????

I am trying to do this using VBA code.

The slide portion was acoomplished by copying the .design object using
multiple masters. As in
With oDestination.Slides.Paste
.Design = oOriginalSlide.Design

But there is no way to do this for the notes.

Bill Dilworth

Correct, there is but one notes page master per presentation.

If you are using VBA already, you could, thru code, adjust the formatting
based on the text to achieve the standardization.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
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Charlie B.

Thanks, that is what I was hoping would not be the case. I have tried to
write code that would go through the formatting but have had little success
in doing it right.

I get screwed up on the nuances of bullets and bolding and which level of a
bulletted item I am in...let alone nested bulletts....

But you have confirmed that I was going down the right path.

Thanks again,

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