Interesting idea! There is an older article and demo on MSDN that provides
a nice intro to handling embedded Excel objects. You can review it at
tml/candy_equipment.asp, and download the self-extracting zip here
Basically the key is that the embedded Object links you to the Excel Object
Model. Here's a brief sample of what you can do to get started...
Note: To use the following code, set a Reference in the VB editor to the
Excel type library.
Alternatively, dimension the xlSheet object as Object, instead of
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet '
The inserted Excel object
Dim Shp as Visio.Shape
' Need a shape reference for the inserted object
Set Shp = Application.ActiveWindow.Page.InsertObject("excel.sheet",
' Once inserted, the worksheet is a Visio shape:
Set xlSheet = Shp.Object.Worksheets(1) ' The
property to address the shape's contents is the Object property.
xlSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Column 1" '
cell reference and value
xlSheet.Range("B1").Formula = "=20+5" ' range
reference and formula
' ******************************************************************
You should definitely download the Candy Equipment demo, it's nicely done
and very helpful!
Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
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