I'm trying to open a template file, then loop through a set of directories and use ConsolidateProject to add them to the template file. I seem to be able to to that fine, but when I use FileSaveAs on the template, MSProject crashes and I cant save. I also need to be able to read in some BuiltInDocumentProperties from each project added and save the value in Text1, Text2, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Here's what I'm doing in my code: (referencing Interop.MSProject.DLL
Dim msp As New MSProject.Applicatio
Dim project As New MSProject.Applicatio
msp.DisplayAlerts = Fals
msp.FileOpen("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\ConRep.mpt"
msp.ConsolidateProjects("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\project1\00 project planning.mpp", , False
msp.ConsolidateProjects("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\project2\00 project planning.mpp", , False
msp.FileSaveAs("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\report1.mpp"
msp.DisplayAlerts = Tru
msp.FileSaveAs("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\MovConSol.mpp", PjFileFormat.pjMPP, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Dim msp As New MSProject.Applicatio
Dim project As New MSProject.Applicatio
msp.DisplayAlerts = Fals
msp.FileOpen("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\ConRep.mpt"
msp.ConsolidateProjects("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\project1\00 project planning.mpp", , False
msp.ConsolidateProjects("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\project2\00 project planning.mpp", , False
msp.FileSaveAs("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\report1.mpp"
msp.DisplayAlerts = Tru
msp.FileSaveAs("c:\documents and settings\pacifim\desktop\reporting\MovConSol.mpp", PjFileFormat.pjMPP, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,