Consolodate Data from Multiple Rows into One Row


Doug Randall

I have class data for students with each class for each student on a separate
row. To import into a program I need a list with one row for each student
with all classes on that row. How can I do this?

For example starting with this:
Student Class
Jones English
Jones Math
Smith Geography
Jones Geography
Smith Math

I need to rearrange to this:
Student Class Class Class
Jones English Math Geography
Smith Geography Math

Many thanks.


Probably long winded but for a quick solution I would use auto-filter to
isolate data by the individuals name, then copy the lessons from the list and
paste-special-transpose against the name.

Its long winded because you have to do this for each student. Sorry can't
think of a smarter way !

Doug Randall

Unfortunately, I can have up to 3000 students in the file, so I need an
automatic solution.

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