Constant Function



Is there a function that will allow you to alter a number
you put into all cells in a specific column? Example:
Spreadsheet that I will be pasting a list into that has a
quantity column...I would like to be able to past the
quantities into the column, but have a function somewhere
on the spreadsheet that will automatically increase or
decrease the quantity by a certain amount. I hope this
makes sense.


Andy B


The easiest way to 'increase or decrease' a number of cells is by copying a
cell containing the increase/decrease quantity and using Paste/Special/Add
or Subtract. I can't think of a way to paste a list of quantities and turn
them into formulas linked to a 'quantity adjustment' cell.



-----Original Message-----

Suppose your quantities are pasted into cells C2:C1000. Now you wish to
increase these quantities by, say, 40. Type 40 into an unused cell and use
Ctrl+C to copy it. Now select cells C2:C1000, right click on the selection,
and left click on Paste Special . .This brings up a little dialog box with
the various Paste Special options. Select Add and click OK. This will add
the copied 40 to each of the cells, and increase the quantities by 40.
Decreasing is done the same way, but select 'Subtract' from the Paste
Special dialog box.

Hope this helps



You rock! Thanks soooo much. And no I'm not 15 (the you
rock comment).

Thanks a million!

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