Constraints problem




I've setted on some activities the contraint "Finish no Later Then", but
when I try to update the no completed and not began to work activities,
MS-Project shows an error that said that if I want to reschedule the work
with the date of today, I've to eliminate the constrait "Finish no Later
Then" and set the constrait "As soon as possible". Why? I want to reschedule
the activities of the project with the costrain "Finish no Later Then".

Thanks for any suggestion,


Steve House

Why are you using the constraint? With it there you are giving Project
conflicting instructions. On the one hand, the constraint tells the system
never to move the task past a certain date under any circumstances. On the
other hand, Reschedule Uncompleted Work instructs Project to move the task
into the future beyond the constraint date. You can't have it both ways.
If you're using the constraint to indicate a required completion date,
replace it with a Deadline entry and your problem will go away. Deadlines
model requirements and objectives, constraints model absolute certainties.

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