I'm running Windows XP Pro, Office XP.
I have a contact list in my Outlook folder and another
Contact list in a Personal Folder under my Outlook folder.
When I try to send an email and look up an email address,
it's taking it from the Outlook folder. When I add a
contact, it adds them to the Personal folder contacts.
How can I straighten it out so that all contacts are in
one contact folder, Outlook sees it and When adding a
contact it sees the same Contact list as well?
I have a contact list in my Outlook folder and another
Contact list in a Personal Folder under my Outlook folder.
When I try to send an email and look up an email address,
it's taking it from the Outlook folder. When I add a
contact, it adds them to the Personal folder contacts.
How can I straighten it out so that all contacts are in
one contact folder, Outlook sees it and When adding a
contact it sees the same Contact list as well?