? contacts/addressbook/email addresses info


jim sturtz

i kno this is simple probably but it is frustrating. i tried posting this
once before with no luck but it irritated me again this a.m. so here goes.

i have put quite a few people in my address book for OL (OL-2002
(10.4712.4219) sp-2). one of the entries is for a son-in-law. 'donoghue,
paul' with only 1 email address saved with it. paul has several tho and
over the year has emailed to me & i have replied to him or mebbe just typed
in some of the others.

the problem starts with ...

i went to forward an email to him, so i hit forward, moused up to the 'to:'
line & typed in 'pau', the screen then gets a pop-up showing 2 names, 'paul'
& 'paul donoghue'. when i select either of those names, neither of them is
the email address i have for him in the address book/contact info.

it turns out that one of those is no longer a 'working' number so i would
like to get rid of it, but i cant find it.

so where is this info being stored. not the entry in the addressbook, but
the info that crops up in the 'to:' popup?




When you start to type in the "pau" and get the different
address to choose from Right Mouse Click on the bad one
and then hit Delete.

jim sturtz

hi jody,

will give that a try, but where are the entries stored, ie in the registry?



Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

They're stored in a file with an .NK2 extension. The file is hidden in
Windows 2000 and XP, so you'd need to search in hidden and system
folders to find it.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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